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Radha Karia

OMG OMG OMG I just found my motivation to finish work

Dustee Lodholtz

Well this is how I'm starting my day today, thanks for making the choice for me 😅🤣🖤 TEDDY!!!!


forgot how big of an episode this one was 🥲


Well damn. My new semester starts today, so I’m busy for a while. But I’m definitely watching this as soon as I get home. You’re officially in my favorite stretch of seasons for a couple of different shows as well so I’m gonna be excited for at least the next few months 😁😁


The ending of this episode is one I think about still all these years later. Still gives me chills.


poor alex

Suzanne Hunt

I think they held out for the great reveal of Richard's falling off the wagon! He has made me mad this season! Like you said Travis, it doesn't justify, but it explains Richard's behavior!


I think Lexie's actress was on maternity leave here that's why she hasn't been in much the last few episodes

Jana Fuller

Wife wife to work wife lol I love Adele 😍🤣

Radha Karia

Bailey is literally the backbone of this hospital


without Bailey they‘d all be dead, in jail or at least suuuuuper unhappy.


izzie had absoletely no right to go off on alex like that im so sick of the way she treated him after how much he stuck by her.. i also love teddy tbh lmaooo the way cristina acted when she met her was so out of line though..

Cassandra Ryan

i'll never get over the fact that owen got cristina a beautiful woman as a present. how are we supposed to take that


Poor richie

Charissa Kay

Same (with a few less years). I was shook. Did not see it coming. But sadly, I know some who hide it that well.

Charissa Kay

I've been waiting for this introduction & reveal, but had no idea how many eps in it would come. And Idk if it's my fav EP or just arc conclusion (of the entire series) that's soon. Just for personal reasons no one else would care about lol.

Kadence Collins

Season 6 is sooooo good, I can't wait for more of these!!!

Matty Ryan

The reveal of Richard’s relapse is probably in my top 3 favorite scenes in the whole series. The build to it, the music, the use of flashbacks, it’s just done so beautifully. It’s so sad to see him hit rock bottom but so well done.

Charissa Kay

Nvm it's in S8! (8x8), I guess. See how this show is so rewatchable, because I can't even remember after the 10th time? lol. But it starts here!

Mishel Yanik

One of the things I love about Bailey is that she’s short but bosses everyone around. I’m 4ft 10in myself! Lol and yes God spent some extra time on Jackson Avery! Lol

Rory (TetraSheik)

I know you're only a little under halfways through this season but I can't WAIT for you to get to the season 6 finale. It's technically a two parter and I am sure you are going to have lots to react to.

Nikki S

My face when they first showed the “yellow patient” and they said he has dilated bile ducts and I was recently diagnosed with that too and my face was like 😳for a hot sec lol! Horrible gallbladder pain flares from food and trying to figure out what’s wrong with my liver to be causing it and they do say I could start having yellow eyes and other stuff so thats weird. TMI sorry no one asked lol!

Nikki S

When Adele said “wife wife to work wife, someone is sleeping with our husband” I died laughing . That scene was so great.

Alexis Cook

Well he did say to chief “ I know your still making cuts and i just want to remind izzy isn’t 100% back yet” I mean that could had been taken either way either way like “hey you should cut her cause she shouldn’t be working a lot rn” or “ you should keep her on cause she will work her way back to 100” so I kinda feel for izzy alex wasn’t clear when he said that to chief


Izzie made me so mad this episode. She was blaming everyone for getting fired. First she blamed charles and then alex, when she was the one who made a mistake with the patient. She left alex with a bunch of bills to pay and didnt even bother to say anything when she went to the hospital. Alex deserves so much better.


She got fired because of what she did to the patient. She was blaming charles, then alex, when in reality it was her fault. The audacity to leave the man that stuck by her through all the bad moments and then blame him for something that had nothing to do with him.


Richard’s decisions sort of makes sense now that you see he fell off the wagon. He does have alot of pressure on him and I feel bad for him but I hate that he went back to the bottle. I think the guilty look on his face tipped Meredith off so she didn’t need to check anything.

Lucile Byrd

I am sorry, but I may not care for Dr Percy (he never made an impression on me) but he is right, Izzie screwed up and got herself fired and now wants to blame everyone else! That heffer can piss right on off. Bailey has some serious selective memory. Burke fled after walking out on Yang at their wedding! Hahn left after learning that Izzie stole her patient's heart for Denny and then she got into a fight about it with Callie. Was a reason even given why Dickson left? Somehow the hospital that merged with Seattle Grace also didnt have a cardio attending? so who exactly did Christina chase off?