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Nikki S

Yeah, I always say don’t loan money if you’re not going to be okay with not getting it back, because it will ruin your relationship with the person if they don’t give it back. You can give money to people if you want or loan it knowing they might not live up to their promise and accept that, but shouldn’t loan expecting it back if you know you’ll be really upset if they don’t return it. and that’s only my opinion based on it happening so much with my family members. I respect people who still want to loan and expect it back, but it kinda sets you up in a bad spot with that person who you loan money. 😕

Sacid Ve

yes, that was Charles Percy from Grey's anatomy

Letitia Hunt

I’m glad Logan is starting to get on your good side. He is absolutely a douche and a jerk but I’m a sucker for the bad boys and I love love love him haha

Angelina Sargent

I always thought it was weird the way Veronica stopped the limo to go skinny dipping keeping everyone else hostage inside while they wait for her to have her moment. Haha idk why it bugs me so much cause it is actually really sweet. But kind of insensitive to the people who are like paying to go to this dance and have a good time. Lol

Brandy Murphy

Yes Travis you are correct that is Charles from Greys ☺️