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Radha Karia

I literally just put my dinner on my plate and here you are! King Travis! You should be chief surgery at Seattle Grace Mercy West!

Jana Fuller

Always makes my day

Edgerrin Brown

Episode 5 is one of the best of the season but episode 6 is my favorite episode of the whole series


You were spot on. This was all clever ruse to get Ellen some very very brief maternity leave. (I think they also pre-filmed a lot of scenes with her ahead of time). I do not love this storyline, but they motivated it nicely through sisterly bond, so I was kinda ok with it. I love Christina demanding a good cardio teacher. Because Burke left end of season 3. And no one really taught her since. Hahn was icing her out while Dixon was not around long enough to make an impact and that storyline did not really focus on mentoring.


Dont feel bad about not caring for asher!! I see that slap everytime his face face pops up on screen like a jumpscare. I refuse to forgive or forget!


Great reaction as always

Clay W

Nope, it's not bad that you don't feel bad. I sympathize with one episode characters before feeling bad for Thatcher. We all see the slap in our minds, he'll never redeem himself after that in my eyes.

Nikki S

Definitely not bad to not feel sorry for Thatcher. And in real life doctors know you can’t be begging someone to go through a transplant, look at that episode we had before with the prisoner who was going to donate to save the little girl. And the ep where Bailey had all 6 or so couples who were all going to give/donate organs and if one of them decided not to then no one could get the transplant and how we couldn’t force them into it, it had to be their own decision and now acting like that rule doesn’t matter lol.


all I see this episode is Gibbs's dad from NCIS as the Gentleman who wants penial surgery I love when actors are guest stars for other shows get to see other thigs from them!

Alexis Cook

It is a disease my dad I cant count how many times he dumped all the alcohol down the drain telling us he was done with it but people do recover and they do change

Lucile Byrd

I cannot defend Izzie here! Hunt was right. Izzie behaved like a patient who beat the odds of a bad cancer diagnoses, and not a doctor who sees a patient with his own bad cancer diagnoses who can live a fee months without surgery or very likely die from the surgery.