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Robin Hood


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Ilsuk Yang

Your reaction to Tom Ellis as Robin Hood was just perfect 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Yeah, the dichotomy of Belle and Lacey is quite interesting. The opposite things that make Rumple attractive to her in those different states of being is quite fun to watch

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Lacey- Hook is back!!! Yay!!! I was so happy and excited to see him come back into the show when I first watched this episode, and again today as I re-watched it with you. It's one of my favorite moments throughout this entire episode, even though we only see him for a brief few seconds before the episode ends. But I still just love seeing Hook again!! I am definitely jumping up and down now that he's back in the main storyline. :) Fantastic!! But I will get back to this shortly... Now... I do definitely enjoy this episode overall. However, it is probably another one of my least favorite episodes throughout season two. At least in regards to the present day storyline. The backstory within this episode is fantastic!! I absolutely love it!! Because I really love going back to see more from Belle's and Rumple's beginnings. This for me is by far the better storyline throughout this episode. And I also love that Robin Hood has been brought into Once Upon a Time, because I just love all legends and stories about him. Now... Like I mentioned, I do really enjoy this episode for the most part. I really love going back to see more from Belle's and Rumple's beginnings. I also love that Robin Hood has been brought into Once Upon a Time. And I absolutely love that Tom Ellis guest stars in this episode too!! I just love him! Tom Ellis isn't who I would expect to play Robin Hood, but he does a pretty great job, nonetheless. Although... I do wish his role in this episode was a little bigger. :) Tom Ellis goes on to play Lucifer about three years after this episode is filmed, and first aired on television. So, I think this role as Robin Hood, along with a few other short lived roles, really helped to jump start his acting career. So... Yay!!! :) As for the Storybrooke storyline for Gold and Belle, who is tragically now Lacey... In all honesty, I really hate Lacey's character. It is certainly interesting to see who Belle would have been had she been in season one more while she was cursed like everyone else. Back then, it was never revealed who she believed herself to be during the time of Regina's dark curse. Except that she was an amnesiac somewhat like David first was until his own false memories were forced upon him too, shown in season one's episode, titled... The Shepherd. So, I like this about Lacey. And I appreciate that as Lacey, she is the complete contrast to who Belle is. And Emilie de Ravin's acting as Lacey is really good, as is Robert Carlyle's role when they both act as their dark selves. I just hate seeing any version of Belle become turned on by Gold's dark side. It is messed up. From a story perspective... having Belle become Lacey... the complete opposite of who she truly is, is brilliant writing. I just hate seeing her as Lacey because I love Belle so much. And again, to be perfectly honest... I really hate all of the scenes with the Sheriff of Nottingham. It's not just because the actor who plays him in my opinion is just really bad, but I also feel like his character in this episode is so weak and he is a pig. Granted... The Sheriff always faces off with Rumplestiltskin and Gold, so he doesn't stand much of a chance. But I feel like his parts in the storylines just don't add anything to the story for me. He annoys me far more than anything else. For the most part... I think the casting throughout this entire show is incredibly well done, and I love all of the actors chosen to play their characters that come into Once Upon a Time. However, there are a few rare characters, whose actors I really do not like at all, and think that they are badly casted. And the Sheriff of Nottingham, played by Wil Traval, is definitely one of them. They could have gotten anyone else, and he would have been a better character, I think. I can imagine Wil Traval is a better actor in other roles. But as the Sheriff, I think he's terrible. And it's also partly how his character is written too. It's not all the actor's fault. But... Oh well. All in all... I do really love Robin Hood's storyline throughout this episode, as he breaks into Rumplestiltskin's castle to steal a wand we learn later to be because he hopes to use it to save his dying wife and unborn child. I also love that he carries a bow that has the magic to allow any arrow shot from it to always hit its target. Also, in case you don't remember... This is the same bow that Rumplestiltskin gives to Snow White after she drinks the potion to make her forget Charming and becomes dark herself back in season one's episode... Heart of Darkness. The same bow which Snow uses to try to kill the Evil Queen, until Charming jumps in between the arrow to save Snow. This episode... Lacey, reveals to us how it is that Rumplestiltskin comes into possession of this bow, after he steals it away from Robin Hood in order to use it against him, until Belle changes his mind from seeking revenge against this famous legendary thief. I really love it when certain artifacts from past episodes are brought back later on in order to show us their origins, sometimes as much as I love seeing old characters brought back as well. I love how Belle fights against Rumplestiltskin to protect Robin Hood once he is captured, by setting him free from his imprisonment, then later continuously pleads with Rumple to let Robin go. It's thanks to her pleas that Rumple eventually finds a little good within himself to do so. Especially after seeing that Marian is pregnant. And I love that he spares Robin's life, because he remembers in this moment his own son thanks to Belle. Also... I especially love how funny Rumple is as he denies he spared Robin's life because there is more good in him than he is willing to admit. Especially to himself. And in this moment... Another spark between Rumplestiltskin and Belle is born, showing us another first moment when Belle comes to see there really is good in him, as small as the good in him might be. And this backstory takes place in the middle of the events within the backstory in season one's episode... Skin Deep. Fabulous! I always love seeing more of the good in Belle's and Rumple's love story. I also really love the last scene between them as Rumple shows Belle his library, which is another beautiful nod to Disney's... Beauty and the Beast, when the Beast shows Belle his library and gives it to her, in order to show her he's come to care for her and that he's more than just a beast. So sweet. :) I feel that the dialogue throughout this show is absolutely beautiful, and has a lot to do with why Once Upon a Time is my all time favorite show. I absolutely love the dialogue written within every episode!! Back in Storybrooke... We see Anton, or Tiny again, as the giant and the dwarfs are busy in the fields growing a crop of magic beans with the hope of going back home to the Enchanted Forest. And now, even Mary Margaret wishes to leave so she can get a fresh start with her husband, daughter, and grandson. However, Emma is still apprehensive and with good reasons. Emma may have been born in the Enchanted Forest, but she was immediately transported to the Land Without Magic moments afterwards and so our world is the only life she knows, aside from her brief time spent in the Enchanted Forest in the beginning of this season. And that wasn't exactly a grand adventure with good memories. So, I appreciate seeing Emma's apprehension and worry about her future with her family and what's to come for them all. Unfortunately, Regina comes to sense that Emma is lying in a brief talk they have with one another and later uses magic to discover the hidden crop despite the fairies' magic. Emma didn't mean her slip to be anything more than a figure of speech, even though in the back of her mind she might have been thinking it might not be long before they all leave Storybrooke for good without Regina. But Emma should have been a bit smarter than that by being more careful with what she said to Regina. Not good. I also love once again seeing the banter between Gold and Regina within their scenes together, especially when Gold reveals that Neal is Henry's father, and then Regina realizes that he is Henry's Grandfather. Very funny. And then... I love how Rumple seeks out David's help and even offers to owe him a favor in return for David helping him to bring Belle back to him after Regina curses Belle's memories. And Rumple is genuine at first because not only does he love Belle, but he knows she is the one person who can help bring out the good in him. Unfortunately, that intention to find the good in himself now appears to be no more. Nonetheless... I love the moments between Rumple and David. And now, Gold also owes David a favor for a change, which is nice. And lastly... Like I said above, I am most excited about seeing Hook again!! And I am so excited for what's to come! I will say that I hate how Hook is written to have become captured and taken hostage by Greg and Tamara, because Hook is so much better than them, and so much stronger and smarter than he's been written within the second half of this season. Another reason why I struggle with this second half of the season. It has so many things about it that annoys me far more than I'd like. Unfortunately, Colin O'Donoghue, who plays Hook, had broken his leg pretty badly during the filming of a previous episode, and therefore he had to take some time off to recover, which is why Hook has been absent for the last few episodes. But I am so, so, so happy to see him back!! :) And now... Onto the final three episodes of season two!!! And I can't wait!!! Thank you so much for this reaction, Travis!! Until next time... Sincerely, Heidi

Ilsuk Yang

Never knew that about Colin! I remember when season 2 was first airing and wondering why I hadn't seen him in a while. Now I know!


The way your mouth dropped every time Robin Hood showed up on screen 🤣🤣