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Lina Distadio

I'm so excited! I have been laid up in bed with the worst flu of my life and binge-watching all of your Grey's content has been my only comfort. LOVE your commentary, reactions, and humor as you watch one of my absolute favorite shows ever! Also, Alex was kind of right to be annoyed by the "I miss George so please have sex w me" thing. George is a guy she was IN LOVE WITH and sleeping with at one point and she thinks that the appropriate way to tell her husband that she wants to have sex with him is by basically saying "I want to have sex with you as a distraction from my grief over another man, not because I actually want to have sex with you". Who does that?


Christina calls the patient ceviche because she got sliced up in the boating accident… and ceviche is sliced/chopped fish.

Nikki S

And the way she got sliced was getting sucked through the propellers like if a fish went through they’d be chopped 😩


Gah, yeah. I think it was supposed to be that visual imagery.

Nikki S

I really liked this episode. I have brought it up before but I really related to the kid with severe back pain and how his mom advocated for him and it really brought me back to when I was a healthy teen and first woke up one day with back pain and never got better. Just got worse and worse. I was so social and happy and had my whole life ahead of me and then had to withdraw from everything because the pain was just so severe. I saw doctor after doctor after doctor with no answers My mom started to come to the doc with me and we would cry together and my mom saying please, this is not like her. She doesn’t go out anymore. She has no life. That really hit me hard and reminded me a lot of the mom who advocated for her son. Sadly mine are incurable and degenerative meaning they will continue to get worse.

Nikki S

I cried at Bailey’s speech with Derek in the elevator about how she has to stop caring so much at work because she wants to save that for her own son and how George and Izzy weren’t her kids and realizing how attached she was/is to her coworkers ahh😭😭and I cried at Meredith crying at the end when it finally hit her.

Kadence Collins

Seeing everyone finally fully process George's death in their own ways was devastating when I first watched this episode. Also YESSS I love Derek and Bailey's relationship! One of the most underrated ones I'd say. I will forever be obsessed with Sloan and Lexie they're so cute

Portia Crain

I told myself I was going to wait until the whole season was up... but it's so tempting it being there lol


When I say I am unraveling because of who this merger brings….ugh I can hear your comments already🥵

Jana Fuller

I've been on vacation so I'm so behind Ive got so much to catch up with definitely starting with greys though!!

Portia Crain

I try lol I wait for TVD but I just can't with Grey's its my favorite show ever.

Laura Shepherd

The US healthcare system is disgraceful, when the Chief says he's not running a charity here - it's horrific to me to think all the hospitals there are being run for profit as a business! It's not like than in Australia, and I'm so grateful for our free and public healthcare system! It's often confusing and jarring to hear about the costs of things and insurance issues etc. when watching US medical dramas...

Clay W

I forgot how quickly the news about the merger came. Everyone's trying to cope with the loss of George and now this?!

Lina Distadio

The Slexie relationship reigns supreme out of all Grey's relationships from S1Ep1 until the end of time and you cannot change my mind.


If you didn’t recognize Andy’s mom, she was in The Goonies!

Dustee Lodholtz

THE MERGER!!!!!! 😬😬😬😬

Michaela Evans

I recognize her from The Real O'Neals. I'm sad that they didn't make more seasons.


Haven’t seen it, is it good? She’s also fantastic in a show called Raising Hope

Lucile Byrd

Sorry, but Belailey is hella hypocritical considering how when she was a resident she spoke to every attending and the cheif of surgery like she was above them! As for the Alex & Izzie thing, i am on Karev's side! Izzie went out there to ask her husband for sex, and hiw did she do that, by saying how much she missed the man she used to sleep with and was hoping for a tumor so she could see him again, "but please come sleep with me husband while i am actively thinking of another man!" I am sorry, i know she is still mourning him, but the way she went about asking her husband for intimacy was totally wrong! Also, i am on Lexi's side, like there is no reason you should be stripping in front of someone else's boyfriend or walking in on them to chat while they are naked in the shower! Not to mention that she is also in a relationship, but if that is how she wamts to treat her own relationship, fine, but i would not accept that, i dont care how long you knew my bf 1st, that is not okay!

Tiffani Donaldson

I love how Derek uses Bailey's own tactic against her to get her to talk. He stared her into submission lol