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Léonard Amizet

The season 4 specials are quitte the ride ! enjoy :D


i'm not usually a big fan of the christmas episodes but this is a pretty good one! there's two of these specials in particular that im very much looking forward to, and i don't want to jump ahead but i'm am GIDDY for you to start season five it's my absolute favorite that even season four comes 2nd place lol. sooo much good still to come for you with this show!!


This special is OK, not a favourite of mine. But what I do particularly enjoy is watching someone watch it ftft, and often their enthusiasm and appreciation is greater and than my own. It's one of those that gets a mixed reaction. So that can be fun to see which camp everyone falls into.

Ilsuk Yang

So, I like to call the fake Doctor/Jackson the "discount Liam Neeson" 🤣🤣🤣Yeah, not the best special, but still fun

Thomas Gilbert

He’s the Governor in The Walking Dead, you may know him from that?

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah, this episode is just ok for me. Definitely my least favourite Christmas special. It has some good things. I liked Jackson's connection to The Doctor, I also shipped them a bit lol. And Rosita was awesome, she's such a badass and I have a crush on her for sure. 😂 I also liked how they showed all the Classic Who Doctors in the infostamp, this was the first time I'd seen them and it's your first time seeing them too. But I felt the Cybermen were pointless in this story, it was mainly focused on that crazy woman who was a bit annoying. I felt quite bored at times honestly. And the CGI wasn't good and felt like a step down from season 4. Which was later explained by the show runner Russell T Davies, he said they focused the majority of the CGI budget on the other specials because they're important to the story whereas this Christmas episode was a separate one off story so it didn't get the budget that the others got. And you can really see that. But the next special is my favourite of these post season 4 specials. The Easter special Planet Of The Dead. It's absolutely brilliant and the side characters are awesome. So I'm excited to watch it with you. 😊

Siobhan Linehan

Season 5 is my favourite season too. I've paid for it so Travis will get to it very soon. 😊

Abigail Friedman

Travis, you blew my mind. Maybe it's because I'm Jewish, but I honestly never before realized the parallel to Jesus as king rising... I need to sit down and totally rethink this whole episode, lololol.


I usually skip the reactions on this one as I'm not particularly a fan of the episode. That being said I was excited to see how you'd react to the red herring of the next Doctor, and I'm glad I stuck around to watch it. Can't wait to see what you think of the next few episodes.


Yeah, season 5 is my favourite too! so excited!!!