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Ilsuk Yang

This was the episode that got me hooked on this show! The tension is palpable the whole time and just grows the further you get into the episode. And, of course they have to end on a cliffhanger!


Great episode

Sherry Palmer

Wow! My heart is still pumping! Please do the next one soon!!!


Tim could barge into my office any day 🤷🏻‍♀️😍🔥 LOL


I love it! This is gonna be a juicy mess! Just think, There was a shooting, again involving Nolan, and Lucy is there. So she get´s involved in this either way. Which means that, Lucy lying about Nolan not going through a breakup is going to come out now, including that the breakup is with her. which is obstruction of a police investigation. And this way Nolan and Lucy is going to come out as well. Exactly what Bishop was warning her about from the start. And it will all come out in a city wide public way, because Nolan´s case is followed by the media. I wonder how Nolan can get out of this, because he already was under suspicion, but this time there is no body cam footage to back him. Or Lucy for that matter.