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Siobhan Linehan

Another great reaction, this episode is SO good. While I'm not into Astrology stuff myself, I like how they used it in this episode as a way for Ashlyn to deal with her disappointment over being cast in the ensemble. And her song Rising is amazing, she has the most beautiful voice and those lyrics are gorgeous. I still listen to that song all the time on my phone. And I'm glad you picked up on the Ricky and Gina vibes. For me those two have insane chemistry and they also have a flirty banter that Gina and EJ have always lacked. And you're right that EJ isn't helping things by being grumpy and boring lol. But I will admit that EJ's voice sounded great during that scary song, his voice has improved a lot over the seasons. 👌 Also I'm SO happy to hear you say that you like Ricky again now, I knew you'd come back around to him in season 3. In season 2 he was dragged down so much by all the drama with Nini, he became so whiny and just not himself. But now he's free from Nini and he's free to be flirty with Gina again like he was in season 1 so he's happy, Gina is what makes him happy and I love that. RINA SUPREMACY!! 😂💕 And I also didn't guess that Maddox and Jet were siblings, I don't think anyone saw that coming. Really clever twist. And Maddox does start off a bit unlikeable but I think you'll grow to like her. We'll see. And I really just love the vibe of this episode and of this season in general. Kourtney cracks me up, she's the best. And Carlos too. This whole season is so much fun and it only gets better as it continues. Excited! 😊


as someone whos second fav character is ricky, s2 was rough LOL i love when ricky is his dorky and happy self. s2 def showed that his relationship with nini was detrimental to that. im glad hes so much happier this season (:


a fun lil spooky episode! i love ricky and gina's flirty banter, it feels so natural and makes me so smiley. i do feel bad for ej in the sense that he has a lot to deal with considering his director position, but i think he keeps bringing the mood down and doesn't really consider the fact that everybody else is younger than him and came to camp to have fun. ashlyn's storyline is a fav for me this season. maddox and jet being siblings is such an interesting twist and i like that they were able to establish a connection between these two new characters!

Siobhan Linehan

Ricky's my favourite character too so I feel your pain about season 2. But yeah, this season he's happy at last and it's just great to see him let go and mess around. Like season 2 Ricky would've never come up with the idea to wear a monster costume to scare Kourtney lol. 😂

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, first time I saw this, I thought Maddox and Jet used to date, or were really good friends, and something happened to ruin that. But, nope! They're siblings! Ashlyn's singing, especially when she gets a solo, gives me goosebumps! Ricky and Gina are cute. I know EJ's being a wet blanket, but the camp director never should've made him the play's director (or he should've made sure Corbin was actually going to direct the play, lol)


If I could go for ej’s defense in this episode/season the camp director shouldn’t have shoveled all the pressure of directing the musical onto Ej he should have taken that on himself… at the start of camp Ej wasn’t expecting to direct the musical he wanted to spend time with Gina… but because of the added pressure that’s now on him he can’t… so really who we have to blame is Corbin and the camp director for Ej’s demeanor throughout this season…. He’s not handling the pressure very well both real and added on by himself because of the documentary…

Siobhan Linehan

I have mixed feelings about EJ this season. I totally get your point, he's under a lot of unnecessary pressure. He not only has to direct the show but he's also dealing with stuff from his dad. But on the other hand, that's no excuse for ignoring Gina and making her feel bad. She deserves better than that and she really needs someone who can give her their full attention. EJ just can't see that he's pushing her away. Again I understand why but that doesn't make what he's doing ok. If you know what I mean.


I think Ricky was dealing with a lot of shit in season 2 and not handling it well, but he has grown and evolved from that. he now embraces life as it comes and as he said in 3x01 he's finally free. he has accepted his parents seperating and he finally moved on from Nini and realised that he has to accept change as a part of life instead of being scared by it and now he is finally happy and ready to have some dorky fun, similar to Gina I might add.

Siobhan Linehan

I agree. I don't think Ricky will ever accept change tbh, I think it's something he'll always struggle with. But he's got to a place now where he doesn't let his fear take over and he's stronger. And yes he just wants to have a fun and care free summer, just like Gina. 😊👌


I love this season a lot bc it feels like we finally focus on the characters I love most - like Gina, Carlos, Ashlyn and Kourtney. As much as I love Olivia Rodrigo (and I truly truly do), her story as Nini overshined a lot of other characters last season and I'm glad they're now getting the necessary spotlight.