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oh shit this one is fantastic, got me right up out of bed to watch it lmao hope you agreed


i'm so glad you loved it! i usually hate "what if" episodes of shows but it was done so well here as a character piece for donna and also to compliment the previous episode that was very doctor heavy with no donna. loveeee this one, two more episodes of the season!!! (minus the specials lol)


I love this episode so much. Possibly one of my favorite episodes across the entire show. I think it's interesting how in the show we watched Donna go from really brash and loud, to a softer compassionate person. In this episode we see the exact same, but the journey was completely different. Fun fact, this episode and the last one were filmed simultaneously. Since Midnight didn't really feature Donna and this one doesn't really feature the Doctor they were able to save some time along the way. Cannot wait to see how this is all going to pan out. Great reaction as always Travis.

Varvara Meiris

I think this might be my absolute favourite episode ever. So raw, so emotional and traumatizing (and now, even partly relatable, sadly), and so important in the grand scheme of things. And so important for Donna, to finally say it right to her face—YES you are f*ing important, you are amazing and brilliant! And that goes for all of us. To understand that we're important and valued and needed. (oh and also I don't think that was a cockroach, that was a beatle or a scarab (which is sacred in Egypt), if that makes things any better haha)))


Another total banger of an episode. Series 4 rocks!!!

Ilsuk Yang

Travis: What's that crawling on the floor? Me: Something gross and very dangerous. I love this episode! It shows how much Rose has changed since the last time we really saw her (I don't mean these little cameo scenes she's been having in the 4th season/series). She's much more even-tempered, but there's also something missing, like she's just going through the motions, but, at the same time, still trying to make things right. You really feel for her and you get a sense that she's been through a lot in the time we haven't seen her. I didn't think much of Piper's acting in season 1, but she impressed me from season 2 onwards, and she really impressed me here! What can I say about Catherine Tate? Just sheer brilliance in this episode! She's obviously a great comedian as we've seen in previous episodes, but she's also a fabulous dramatic actor! Donna literally feels useless, alone, and worthless (her mother's not helping her in that department at all). She feels small, like a nobody. The emotions Tate displayed here were heartbreaking and so relatable, it just breaks my heart! She doesn't see how important she is and how she's changed/saved the lives of so many people! There's so much more I want to say, but I'll save that for when you've finished this 3-part finale!

Mrs O

I have been waiting for your reactions to this episode and for me as huge Doctor who fan I had the same reaction when I watched it for the first time. I cant wait for the next reaction 😃

Sarika H

my favourite episode of all time, it’s brilliant, did you notice the fortune teller was the same actress who was the Master's assistant Chantho

Amy Cope

Yes! Love this two parter. I think it is my favourite of the Doctor light episodes. I love Blink as well but this one is just so .... epic.

Siobhan Linehan

Loved seeing your reaction to this. Such a fantastic episode!! I don't often rewatch it because I find it quite stressful lol but it is brilliant!! You're totally right that Rose is beautiful, you can see that more now that they have better cameras lol. I can see why The Doctor loves her so much. 😂 And Donna was as amazing as always. Catherine Tate does such a great job of mixing humour and pain together when portraying this character. You feel everything she feels. I also loved how we got all these throwbacks of previous episodes. Even tying in Captain Jack and Sarah Jane. When they mentioned Sarah Jane dying in the hospital they also mentioned Clyde Langer and Maria Jackson, they're characters who are in the spin off show The Sarah Jane Adventures along with Sarah's son Luke who isn't mentioned for some reason. And when they mentioned Captain Jack they also mentioned Gwen Cooper and Ianto Jones who are in the spin off show Torchwood. So I loved those little moments. And that ending with Bad Wolf gets me hyped every time! Those words were REALLY important during Rose's time, especially her first season. So bringing that back with her was clever. I can't wait for your reactions to the rest of the season finale, it's EPIC!! 😊

Dustee Lodholtz

I literally can NOT wait for the next episode!!!! 😬😬😬😬😬 So excited! Love the reaction lol it was a scarab beetle 😅 not that that makes it better lmao I also love seeing Rose again ☺️🤗


The end of this season episode wise is some of my favorite to go back and rewatch!