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Siobhan Linehan

I'm glad you're loving this season already, you're right that the music is amazing! The song that Gina did at the start is SO good and I love how they made it like a music video. The Frozen covers are already so well done, Jet's voice is something special, the actor is called Adrian Lyles and I can see him having a lot of success in the future. And Nini's song was written by Olivia and it's fantastic, no surprise there. 😍 The way they mock the name of the show is great. I agree with what you said, it's always better when shows don't take themselves seriously. They know the name is very long and they use that for humour. And also the jokes in general are so good. Carlos calling Lily a young Cersei Lannister is a favourite of mine. 🤣 I also, as a massive Ricky and Gina shipper from the start of the show, loved their moments in this episode. Gina's trying to hide her feelings but she's not doing it well lol. She changed the subject immediately when EJ mentioned Ricky's name and she was staring at Ricky when he was singing the Frozen song. And their little scene together was very cute, Ricky's reversing thing was so funny, he's really goofy. Their chemistry just shines for me. Although I must say that Ricky and EJ is a ship of mine too lol. I mean Ricky did joke about them being lovers in this episode. And their pillow fight was cute, just saying. 😂 Oh and you might be noticing already how much better Ricky is as a character this season. Now he's "finally free" from Nini and things have settled in his home life he's much happier. And that shows in how he's having a lot more fun and smiling more. I've always loved Ricky but he's just way more likeable now, if that makes sense. As for Carlos, yeah he shouldn't have changed the cast list. Not cool. But you'll see what happens with that. The next episode is BRILLIANT so I'm excited. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, the first time I heard Jet's voice, I was floored! I was like wait a minute now, who is this? Basically, I had the same reaction you had the first time I watched this. We also said "awkward" at the same time during the scene with Ricky and Gina 🤣🤣🤣. Jinx! I really love Kourtney any time she sings, and, once again, she blew me away (Jet still takes the cake for me in this episode, though) yet again. I also love how extra she is with her "phone withdrawal" symptoms 🤣🤣🤣