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Please post your links and titles in the comments for your July requests! Please post the title and link in the same comment.

Please keep the video less than 8ish min !

Can't wait to see what you all suggest this month!

Link needs to be posted by July 31. 


Lisa Christina

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yezDEWako8U&pp=ygUWaGFycnkgc3R5bGVzIGFkb3JlIHlvdQ%3D%3D Harry Styles - Adore You (Official Video – Extended Version) This is a great music video with a little story. I don't know if you've already seen this, if so you can also watch a live performance of the song. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy1DAG6xBbk&pp=ygUbaGFycnkgc3R5bGVzIGFkb3JlIHlvdSBsaXZl

