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BOOM. Late night drop.

Reminder there will be a week until I start watching season 6. Check LINEUP post.


Riley Stone

Luckily I'm at work at can watch this right now!




Thank you for posting your reactions to Greys! It makes my day/night every single time!


AHHH we're here!

Clay W

OMG I'm so ready, but at the same time I'm definitely not ready because when you cry, (I have a feeling you're going to) I cry.

Emme C.

Aww man I got work in the morning and you do this to me?!? Guess I’m gonna need an extra coffee then cause I gotta watch it now.

Emma Mellin

you’re very brave leaving a week between the finale and the next season, i could never 😂


greys is SICK AND TWISTED for this finale


Yeah...that reaction just about sums it up

Edgerrin Brown

“Did you say it? 'I love you. I don't ever want to live without you. You changed my life.' Did you say it? Make a plan. Set a goal. Work toward it, but every now and then, look around; Drink it in 'cause this is it. It might all be gone tomorrow." - Meredith during the voiceover I LIVE for this quote so much. Such a sad ending. Very excited for season 6. It’s the best season Imo. Got me crying at 2 in the morning 😂


Your reaction at the "007" moment when you realize George is the patient was basically me when I watched this episode when it originally aired 😭.

Red Dwarf

It was an excruciating wait for the next season when I watched it air the first time :-(

Emma Mellin

very true haha! when i’m watching a show for the first time it’s usually the only show i’m watching so cant imagine waiting but you have 600 other things to watch 🤣


Well done on, what I think, is the first truly horrible greys season finale. Can’t wait for more in the future


yeah one of my favorite finales of the show, just very bittersweet filled with so many iconic moments (the post-it wedding, Christina and Meredith hugging, George writing 007 in Mer's hand, the elevator moment at the end and Mer's iconic monologue "It might all be gone tomorrow"). The wait for season 6 was excruciating though.

Elizabeth Williams

Anyone else been sitting here waiting to see Travis’ reaction to this hell of a cliffhanger?? Didn’t disappoint., as usual!

Angelina Sargent

Soo I totally saw your thoughts in that moment you mentioned that you had that ninja in your brain about it being O'Malley... I seriously thought right then you were gonna figure it out and that it would ruin the twist when it actually happened. You absolutely had that thought in that moment. We can see it in your face. I figured it out early too and my family was kind of mad at me when we watched it live because I said it in that exact same moment you thought it and used all the clues during the rest of the episode... he coded when they talked about him. Every scene was around this one John doe patient and George had been barely in the season since the beginning basically. It was just so much george talk that I ended up ruining it for my family just by guessing it and providing what little proof they had. The girl said an average looking guy saved her life! Lol george has always been kind of the average hero. The next episode was such a long wait to see what happens.

Radha Karia

OMG! Your reaction. I am glad none of us spoilt it for you but i felt so bad that you had to go through that. And oh God, just wiating months for the next season was painful when I saw it the first time. Also can we take a moment and appreciate how professional Christina is as a doctor. She was so focused when Izzie coded and she was the only one who could handle her sickness emotionally and still do her job. That is literally the kind of doctor I would want in my corner.

Letitia Hunt

I saw it in your face when the eye opened. I knew you knew


I thought I was well prepared for this finale. And you know who got to me? Freaking Arizona. In her short speech that her brother might have lived if there were more doctors in Iraq. Jessica is great in this role and I really appreciate how they used Arizona here to show counterargument to everyone else's stance on George's decision. I also liked that Callie was gonna do intervention I think mostly because she felt obligated to George's mum. That was nice of her. Also watching it now I really appreciate how happy Mer seems here. I think being younger when watching it first time I never truly understood what she's been through and how much of gluing herself back together she's done in those few seasons. Mer is not my favourite character but I deeply appreciate her character arc over the years now.


i remember crying and standing in front of the screen for the last 5 minutes so clearly – it's a grey's core memory


“Y’all better not cliffhang me” Oh how they did 😭🛗

Lina Distadio

Sick and twisted doesn't even begin to cover it. Evil and unhinged feels more appropriate especially since back when this ep aired in 2009 most people were terrified of their kids leaving for Iraq and dying so to unlock a new level of trauma for an entire generation and their parents is like...jesus Shonda, calm down.

Rebecca Williams

You can tell the moment that you thought it might be him, you can see in your eyes the "wait a minute" moment. The blue eye was a huge hint. The elevator scene breaks me every time.

Portia Crain

Idk if my heart can handle this but here we go


I’ve been waiting for you to get to this episode it’s so sad I still remember when I watched it air 😭

Marie Almeida

Shonda Rhimes is a serial killer.


George was always one of my favorite characters. This episode rips my heart out every time. George was such a good doctor, and such a good person. Flawed like the rest of us, but one of the good ones.

Edgerrin Brown

I hated George personally but this episode still makes me cry

Sarika H

I was screaming at you to breath, then you got up and I thought we had lost you … that was so emotional on all fronts

Nikki S

I forgot that it was George and when he said 007 I screamed and started sobbing so hard lol 😭😭😭😭

Nessie- Je lis, et alors

Still hard to watch, even 13 years later ❤️^^This episode got so much tension the last 4 minutes, it's crazy ! The scene with the elevator is freaking well made and emotional. Imagine us when we had to wait many month for season 6. I will be here for it ! Your reactions to this show are my favorites in all the shows you watch :) Though a break of a week is needed to recover from Shonda's "cruelty" 😭

mari johnston

I hate this episode. I cried so hard for George 😭😭😭😭 each time u watch grey’s bring tissues….it’s a must


Soooooo.... you said that you'll wait one week after the season finale to start the new season. And now my question is: after watching THIS finale, are sure that you will be able to wait a whole week? Well, at least you won't have to experience the same pain that got us poor souls who had to wait months until the beginning of the next season!


The worst part is that people had to wait a whole year to get answers. I first watched this show when season 12 was still on TV so I had Netflix. My heart goes out to the ones who've watched this from the beginning. I couldn't imagine waiting a year to know what happens next, let alone two weeks.

Sandi M

Grey's is the first movie we ever binge watched as a family, me, hubby and teen daughter. It was probably on it's 8 season on TV but we had never watched it. One time I couldn't sleep and watched some in the middle of the night without them. Turned out to be on this one and the next one. I couldn't say anything to anyone until the next weekend when we had time to watch together. I never snuck watched any again.


Ok. A few things 1. I have to stop eating while I’m watching Grey’s 😂2. There was a moment when your eyes said “is that George?” 3. I told myself I could watch this episode without crying 😭 because I’ve seen it like a thousand times. Nope cried a lot. Lastly I totally understand your need to get up out of that chair at the reveal. 🙈

TinTeume 빅뱅사랑해 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-15 09:02:17 The elevator scene, I remember anticipating Denny would be the one waiting for Izzie (coz you know, she was wearing the gown she wore when Denny died) and then the elevator opened and it was George who was there. I cried so hard.
2023-07-15 06:15:46 The elevator scene, I remember anticipating Denny would be the one waiting for Izzie (coz you know, she was wearing the dress she wore when Denny died) and then the elevator opened and it was George who was there. I cried so hard.

The elevator scene, I remember anticipating Denny would be the one waiting for Izzie (coz you know, she was wearing the dress she wore when Denny died) and then the elevator opened and it was George who was there. I cried so hard.


I mean, we can still try... But anyway, you have a stronger force of will than I have. I screamed my lungs out when I first watched this, because I couldn't accept that I had to wait for months to see how it continued. Now, during each of my many rewatches of the series, I always watch 6x01 right after 5x24, even though I know what happens already.


Whew that was rough, I haven’t seen this episode in so long but every single minute was imprinted on my brain. 😭😭😭

Amber Goodwin

Same!!! Omg. Idk if the crying is worse because I knew or if it’s because Travis JUST found out and that first time is rough one.


I still hate / love this season finale. It's so damn sad and nerve wrecking. It still gets to me even though I know what happens.

Jaylen A

im not even a very big fan of george and izzie but this episode ruins me everytime i watch it.

Elizabeth Wardle

Looking back on this episode I always see the hints they added in about it being George, it's so obvious in hindsight but at the time I was gobsmacked