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Ilsuk Yang

OMG! That girl took Eric's rejection really well. Also, her story at the beginning and end of the episode! WTF! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Siobhan Linehan

I really like this episode. This show does a great job of tackling difficult topics with empathy for everyone and it breaks up intense moments with humour perfectly so it never becomes too much. Maeve and Otis are so adorble, they're my ship from this show. The way that she trusted him with not only the abortion stuff, but also with showing him her real home and telling him about her family really says a lot about how she feels about him. Also Eric looked AMAZING in that dress and in the makeup. I'm so glad his dad didn't shout at him, I was bracing for something awful then. Although surely his family know he's gay, he's not exactly subtle about it. I look forward to more soon. 😊


Most UK houses have the washing machine in the kitchen. A lot the house are older and don't have the space or plumbing anywhere else, so it just became the standard for decades. Since the space is limited if you want a dryer then it's a combi washer and dryer. Newer house today will often have a separate laundry/utility room with space for a larger set of individual washer and dryer units.

Nikita Hankinson

I love the way this show tackles really serious issues in a mature way but also still manages to make it funny. It is such good writing.

Nessie- Je lis, et alors

Hi Travis ! Great reaction ! I love this show because of how funny it is and how deep it can go, dealing with delicate and important subjects like this one. When stuff become deep and emotional, they sprinkle funny situations or dialogue, and then you can go from almost crying or crying to laughing at loud in a blink of an eye. It is so well written and made ^^ I love Eric's character, he is very solar and enthusiast ! And his smile is sooo nice and communicative ;) I loved how Maeve (whom we discover that she's not only "a pretty face" and had to cope on her own in this episode) finally trusts Otis enough to show him where she lives. And I think Otis is adorable and empathic. That's why I've loved those three from the start ;)

Nikki S

Such a good episode!

Nikki S

Also alien book porn is a real thing and I think it’s even popular. I see it on kindle unlimited top books sometimes 😂😂