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Dustee Lodholtz

What a great way to wake up! ☺️🖤

Portia Crain

Getting closer and closer to the finale

Dustee Lodholtz

I love Richard and Merediths relationship, even through the ups and downs, but that prolly cause I never had my dad around and wish I had a Richard in my life. I agree that it makes sense Lexi would be more forgiving than Meredith, Lexi actually grew up with Thatcher being a father to her and her siblings, Meredith did not. I hate that Izzie lied to her mom about the Cancer, I get it to an extent, but I imagine my daughter's having Cancer and lying to me saying it's gone and I get so happy for them and what happens if they suddenly die because it wasn't gone and it was so much worse than that let on. Idk that irks me a little. Mark showing up for Lexi is EVERYTHING. And last but not least, I'm so proud of Callie for sticking to her truth and not listening to everyone telling her to lie to her parents about Arizona. Could you imagine how that not only would make Callie feel, but how it would make Arizona feel?? If you love someone, it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks, even your parents. Love the episode, can't wait for more and can't wait for the one you just watched either 😬🖤


i keep telling myself that i’m gonna save the episodes and watch a bunch all together but i can’t not watch them as soon as they come out


I’m 6 episodes behind, jealous?! Lol 😛

Radha Karia

Love the Thatcher eye roll. Also lets just admit it, Richard as "not her father" still better than Thatcher as her actual father.

Nikki S

Haha I joined the first week of June and I’m already caught up 😂💀it’s so addicting!

Nikki S

I really needed that nice scene with Richard and Meredith at the end. Richard is one of my favs so I’m not trying to hate on his character, I loved him in seasons 1-4 but season 5 Richard has been so grumpy since the beginning of this season and been a bit annoying to me this season bc he’s always yelling at everyone in almost every episode. I’ve been taking notes and in all of them I’ve been like ugh Richard whyyyy. So I’m really glad to get that peek back into our OG Richard and seeing that realization that he and mer are family. The domestic violence case was a hard one. TW im going to talk just a little As a DV survivor: I never ever ever blamed my mom for staying with my abusive dad as long as she did. She waited until we were old enough to tell the court we never wanted to see him again, because he had everyone fooled into thinking he was an Angel of a human. We all have PTSD from the fear we had constantly and it changed who we are. We would lie for him and my grandma never really forgave us for lying to their face about it as little kids. I didn’t want him to go to jail. We tried to leave so many times but always came back. The average person it takes 6 times leaving an abuser before it finally sticks for good. But in this episode I found myself agreeing when Meredith was shaming the DV victim because of course I wanted to protect that little girl. It’s weird how I have to remind myself like no, you know that trauma and you didn’t want to leave either so it’s just such a hard subject but it’s so incredibly common so I share my story to help others feel comfortable sharing theirs and reaching out. 🤍

Charissa Kay

I actually hate the part where the mom walks in and says we're leaving. That was for the audience and the plotline with Meredith. Not for story accuracy. She would never go in there and tell him all assertive because one stranger told her to change her daughters story. Or at least she wouldn't that quick. At the very least a social worker or DV advocate should have walked with her and they say goodbye and she appears more visibly distraught about it rather than like she simply needed some stranger to tell her to leave. What would have been even better to show is Meredith over hearing the worker briefly talking about arrangements for them getting stuff to go to a shelter and then have them leave without saying goodbye, emphasizing the role an actual trained DV worker needs to play in situations of DV and that a victim in this kind of situation especially would need specialists providing immediate support and resources to take the chance even with their partner laid up in a hospital bed. Her denial was not going to go to zero by a strangers judgemental appeal to empathy. That's not how DV works and it's dangerous to suggest the victim just needs to be harshly called out. I was mad at the mom's denial too, but protocols are such in these situations for good evidence backed reasoning. I'm sorry about your experiences and I'm glad when people are brave to share because DV is a leading public health crisis and raising consciousness is the only way to combat it and build necessary support for victims.

Clay W

Thatcher can't say nothin in my opinion! Ever since he hit Meredith, he was dead to me

Angelina Sargent

That song during this episode Turn and Turn Again is so amazing... huge cult following considering its so hard to find this artist music anywhere. It's such a perfect song for this episode. If you wanna hear the full version here's the link. https://youtu.be/1HyJAk1I1IU


I love Merideth's and Richard's relationship! She has a better relationship with Richard than she does her own parents... The one difference with Richard is he learns from his mistakes (however long it takes him to do so) her parents always thought they were right and they weren't in the wrong..


Love your reactions! But sometimes you do talk over important dialogue. 😅

Travis Manning

Well since I’m watching it for the FIRST TIME I don’t know the dialogue is. If you want to hear the show WITHOUT me talking by all means, cancel and watch it on Netflix :)

Sherry Palmer

I think that what Richard said to Meredith was the most powerful thing anyone ever said to her. She has always known that nobody ever stood up for her. To have him admit it and sincerely apologize had to have been a relief in so many ways!