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Kevin Dunham

I was watching a real funny show on Prime the other night called "Chuck" and Matt Bomer was on that show too.

Suzanne Hunt

Chuck is one of my favorite comfort shows of all time! I really recommend watching the entire show! Zachary Levi and the rest of the actors are hilarious!

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, not one of the better episodes, but even the episodes like this have their little moments. I love how observant everyone on this show is :)

Sherry Palmer

I LOVE Chuck! Extra points that Matt has a recurring role for a few seasons

Sherry Sink

I like parts of this episode a lot (though I definitely see your point about the too-neatly tied-up ending, and think I felt the same when I first saw it). My favorite parts are Peter coming to check on Neal (and his line to Rice about "You can't tell by my face, but right now, I'm petrified," lol), getting to see con man Neal in action at the travel agency (such a smooth performance, and in about 2 minutes!), and Mozzie mouthing off to the bad guy in the airport ("Oh, you'll need a lawyer, Chachi!" LOL!!) and helping Neal. I liked the aspect of this guy Wilkes being someone Neal tried to work with once upon a time - that was interesting to me too (and shows how he's always operated differently than more dangerous criminals like Wilkes). I also love that Mozzie was hanging out with June, playing Parcheesi. It's those little details that are so much fun.