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Ilsuk Yang

"You deserve a reward." And I'm just thinking, "Girl, you just want his thang!" 🤣🤣🤣


Rev Newlan: "I'm gunna show you sumthin that very few people get to see" Travis: "his taint" I can't 😂


Daycare 😂😂


I always liked this story on how Eric was turned. It was dark but also somewhat sweet. Especially with so many vampire stories, the turning being a pure power play. Here it was more of a last minute offer for new life in admiration of his battle glory. This I believe explains also why Eric and Bill have so different views of their makers. Eric was given a life, and in Bill's view his life was taken from him by Lorena. I know you do not like the church camp storyline, but I strangely love it because Anna Camp is doing THE MOST with that role. And Jason is still his adorable himbo. Also I really love Ed Quinn (aka tall Texas vamp - Stan) so I am a happy camper whenever he is on screen :D


Lol I had this as my ringtone back when I watched the show


"whose that?" that's lorena! the one who made bill into a vampire, his maker.


Yeah I didn't recognize her the first time I watched this either lol


I've had so many tv shows be my ring tone it's ridiculous lol. Right now it's Game of Thrones, but it's been True Blood, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who, Outlander (which is what I'm using for my notification sound right now), and a few others. I love expressing myself this way lol!