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scarr (edited)

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2023-07-05 06:04:10 This episode is really interesting to me because we are able to see a little bit of authenticity in Andrew during some moments, whereas in nearly all of the time we've seen him in the previous episodes it's clear to us (and by that point, many of the people in his life) that he is always pretending - putting on some kind of facade or just plain making shit up. Of course he does that in this episode too but there are at least a few moments where we see what I think is likely the real him. His ice cream tantrum towards his mom where he both expresses (insanely) how important it is for him to have things that are "the best" and explains that Haagen-Dazs did this basically by being phony (hmm...), and then talks about his dreams of people looking up at him while he looks down on them...I mean yikes...but I think that was a real Andrew moment. The main other one that stands out to me is the night with David. Of course he meets him under the facade of being this wealthy, successful person but their time together in the room seemed genuine - which of course meant a lot more to Andrew than it did to David as we learned from the previous episode when David said, "I take it you don't have a lot of great nights with people" or something like that. It is interesting that Andrew took how he felt hearing David tell that story and used it to try to manipulate someone else so he could get what he wanted. That action (along with the eventual murder spree) does seem to suggest psychopathy. Though he appeared to show genuine empathy at the hospital after hurting his mom. He's definitely portrayed as a very complex person and of course Darren's performance being so brilliant really contributes to that. Excited about the next episode. Glad you're enjoying, Travis - thanks for watching!
2023-07-05 03:25:41 This episode is really interesting to me because we are able to see a little bit of authenticity in Andrew during some moments, whereas in nearly all of the time we've seen him in the previous episodes it's clear to us (and by that point, many of the people in his life) that he is always pretending - putting on some kind of facade or just plain making shit up. Of course he does that in this episode too but there are at least a few moments where we see what I think is likely the real him. His ice cream tantrum towards his mom where he both expresses (insanely) how important it is for him to have things that are "the best" and explains that Haagen-Dazs did this basically by being phony (hmm...), and then talks about his dreams of people looking up at him while he looks down on them...I mean yikes...but I think that was a real Andrew moment. The main other one that stands out to me is the night with David. Of course he meets him under the facade of being this wealthy, successful person but their time together in the room seemed genuine - which obviously meant a lot more to Andrew than it did to David as we learned from the previous episode when David said, "I take it you don't have a lot of great nights with people" or something like that. It is interesting that Andrew took how he felt hearing David tell that story and used it to try to manipulate someone else so he could get what he wanted. That action (along with the eventual murder spree) does seem to suggest psychopathy. Though he appeared to show genuine empathy at the hospital after hurting his mom. He's definitely portrayed as a very complex person and of course Darren's performance being so brilliant really contributes to that. Excited about the next episode. Glad you're enjoying, Travis - thanks for watching!

This episode is really interesting to me because we are able to see a little bit of authenticity in Andrew during some moments, whereas in nearly all of the time we've seen him in the previous episodes it's clear to us (and by that point, many of the people in his life) that he is always pretending - putting on some kind of facade or just plain making shit up. Of course he does that in this episode too but there are at least a few moments where we see what I think is likely the real him. His ice cream tantrum towards his mom where he both expresses (insanely) how important it is for him to have things that are "the best" and explains that Haagen-Dazs did this basically by being phony (hmm...), and then talks about his dreams of people looking up at him while he looks down on them...I mean yikes...but I think that was a real Andrew moment. The main other one that stands out to me is the night with David. Of course he meets him under the facade of being this wealthy, successful person but their time together in the room seemed genuine - which obviously meant a lot more to Andrew than it did to David as we learned from the previous episode when David said, "I take it you don't have a lot of great nights with people" or something like that. It is interesting that Andrew took how he felt hearing David tell that story and used it to try to manipulate someone else so he could get what he wanted. That action (along with the eventual murder spree) does seem to suggest psychopathy. Though he appeared to show genuine empathy at the hospital after hurting his mom. He's definitely portrayed as a very complex person and of course Darren's performance being so brilliant really contributes to that. Excited about the next episode. Glad you're enjoying, Travis - thanks for watching!