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Thanks Siobhan for sponsoring the season.

Season 3 coming VERY soon!



This is probably my least favorite episode of the series, as for a lot of people. It just felt like a very rushed ending and it felt like... nothing happened? It was very underwhelming to wrap up a season. I did not like that they just threw out the competition aspect, cause thats literally what the entire season was supposed to be leading up to! I did love the song though, probably one of my favorites of the series. As for the ej/gina stuff...I just do not like how ej handled this situation at all. Suddenly cancelling the date, avoiding her, and the situation was only resolved because gina herself had to chase him down and ASK for a kiss..also the ending scene between them kinda makes me cringe lol this season was okay (i enjoyed some episodes here and there) but its my least favorite overall. season 3 is my favorite and im excited for u to watch! it will get to occupy my time before s4 drops (:


yeah that ending cemented some of the problems season 2 had. there were just too many storybeats at once but the music was fire. second chance is amazing 🙌

Siobhan Linehan

I agree completely!! This episode was rushed due to covid unfortunately, the cast said they really had to push to get the end of the season done because of lockdowns. And I also agree about EJ and Gina, never liked them together anyway as I've been a Ricky and Gina shipper from day one, but I don't feel that their relationship was handled well in this episode or in upcoming episodes. Rina all the way lol. But yes, season 3 is A TON better. Best season by far for me. 👌


i think they did a great job with the music this season! i rlly love the music for s3 though and even more excited for the music in s4.


yep, i remember reading about the covid stuff affecting production so i do give them some grace with that!

Siobhan Linehan

I feel the same. The music, the storylines, the humour, the picture quality etc all gets a lot better in season 3. And I'm excited for season 4 too, I still hope that Zac and Vanessa might show up. 😂🤞

Marek Barwinek

I honestly believe that Zac and Vanessa could be this big surprise of season 4, that is not included in teasers, so that it won't be spoilt lol! Especially 'cause I believe that in one interview Zac had said he'd happily join the cast if he got invited (or that my memory plays tricks with me 😭). Well, Vanessa, on the other hand...uh, too much speculation from my side lmao.

Siobhan Linehan

It would be a BIG deal if they did get both Zac and Vanessa. Considering for a long time Zac shunned Disney and the franchise, despite warming up to it again recently, and him and Vanessa haven't been seen together for years. So it would be massive. I do hope they have managed to pull it off. 🤞🤞

Siobhan Linehan

This finale is flawed for me. But, like I said above under Roze's comment, they were having to deal with covid while filming the last part of the season. Lockdowns and covid outbreaks within the cast changed a lot of what they had planned to do, that's why they skipped past most of the actual Beauty and The Beast show. They were also orignally going to show the Menkie awards but had to abandon that idea and came up with them burning the results instead. And covid is also why they didn't show Gina and EJ's kiss, you might've noticed there were no kisses at all in this last part of the season between even the established couples. But luckily restrictions were lifted by season 3 filming so things pick up. What I did like about this finale was Big Red making that sign for Ashlyn, they're the cutest couple. And it was so sweet when Ricky told Miss Jenn that she can be with his dad if she wants to be, I want her with Mr Mazzara and I love that he finally told her how he feels, but I love the growth that we're seeing in Ricky already since letting go of Nini. I also loved the song Second Chance, it's beautiful and the harmonies are great. They were in their clothes from the first episode of the show yes, and that moment in the song does mean something and does hint at what's to come. All I'm going to say lol. Oh and that final song the cast did together was adorable, they're all so talented and you can see that they actually all get along. That makes a difference on screen I think. I can't wait for season 3. It's my favourite season for so many reasons. It's more funny than it's ever been, the original songs are FIRE, the covers they do from multiple Disney movies are great, the guest stars are amazing and I love where the relationships end up. And you're right, they are at summer camp. It's really good fun and I look forward to rewatching it with you. 😊


Can’t wait for season 3! :)

Nikita Hankinson

Season 3 is my favourite!! Excited to watch it again with you.

Gemma Rivera

I definitely liked how they decided to pull out of the competition and be happy with what they did and let that be enough. It speaks volumes about their growth. Miss Jenn and Mr Mazzara are just too cute together. I'm so glad he finally told her how he feels. I loved the song Second Chance. It's probably my favorite original song so far. Just beautifully shot and the harmonies were amazing. I get why EJ let Gina's brother get in his head. He's had a rough few months and not getting into Duke on his own and having to tell his dad that he wasn't going has taken a lot out of his confidence in himself, so when someone who clearly means a lot to Gina says something like that, he's more than likely going to take it seriously, because why would he say something like that? I still don't quite get what his angle was...I think that it was more a plot device for the writers to make sure that EJ and Gina joined the group at Slices, which to me is unnecessary because they could have just had them come to the decision that they wanted to be with the group. I thought it was sweet that Gina asked him to be her first kiss. It's not often that it happens like that. Gina went after what she wanted and wasn't afraid to ask for it. I love how her character has grown. She and EJ continue to be my favorites because they're more real. They don't always do the right thing, but they are always trying and their hearts are in the right place now.