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Meggie Doodles

Chubbyemu recently did a great video on a real case of a guy who got brain worms, if you're curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPRzYJwqz6g

Jeanette Dawe

thank you :) I have been refreshing hoping a new grey's episode was posted.


Noooo not this format where I can’t make it full screen 😭😭😭😭


Omg that worked!!! Thank you so much!!!! I’ve been having this problem with true blood and I watch it outside so most of the screen is a big glare and the reflection of my dumb face watching! Lol thanks again!!


I look forward to seeing Travis's "yeah! yeah! yeah!" in every show 😂


Loved this one! I'm wondering if you plan on watching the second half of the crossover episode (which is technically an episode of private practice but continues with the Archer and Derek's pregnant patient storylines and has Derek, Alex, Bailey, Mark and Chief Webber in it as well as the rest of the private practice cast who aren't in this episode) or if you're just going to skip to the next Grey's episode? No pressure either way 💕


You would get even more spoilers about Private Practice (including a pretty big one) just so you're aware though! And I'm definitely hoping that season 2 gets added to you schedule eventually 😆


Probably a good idea, I didn't realise there was a crossover episode the first time I was watching so that's what I did. I did get a little confused about what was happening with Derek's pregnant case (because that case is in the crossover part 2) but it's still easy enough to follow on with the missing chunk :)

Nikki S

My mom is like that where she doesn’t like to tell anyone when something bad happens. She had skin cancer for years without telling me, she survived and now has a brain tumor but won’t tell me too much of the details. She says it’s not cancerous but it has made her disabled from severe pain and horrible symptoms and she has no plan of removing it anytime soon. Hate that, I want to be told when I need to prepare myself for something so life altering as losing her. So I worry about it.

Leia Smith

Archer is played by Grant Show-Jake from Melrose Place

Lina Distadio

Have you told her that? She might believe she's protecting you but that protection is actually the OPPOSITE of what you need to feel safe. Talk to her about it, be honest, and tell her why you feel the way you do with regard to being informed about her condition and health. Just make it clear to her HOW important it is to you to be informed and WHY. IDK, it worked with my dad. Sometimes they can't see that the choice they're making for you is not the best choice even though it seems like it should be. You got this. If you ever need anything, I know how hard it can be...so I'm always here <3

Michaela Evans

Grant Show also plays Blake on Dynasty (the reboot) with Elizabeth Gilles from Victorious. i think you would love that show! So much drama and great TV!