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Serenity La’sandra

Been waiting for this one! Excited to watch your reaction.

Ilsuk Yang

I completely forgot that Emma's singing part was so fast! I was thinking I accidentally changed the playback speed, but, nope, regular speed (I checked like 3 times) 🤣🤣🤣So, Will definitely should've known better than having a big wedding. That's way too much pressure to put on Emma. Her OCD is very severe. I feel like Will's always trying to "fix" Emma instead of truly supporting her. They should've eloped and done the wedding at a different time, that way there's no pressure (well, with Emma, there's still going to be pressure). Also, I've been done with this whole Tina storyline!

Gemma Rivera

So much going on in this episode. Emma's song is from a musical called Company. Unpopular opinion, but I never preferred Will and Emma together. I actually liked when she was with Carl because he actually did try to help her and it seemed like it worked for a while and I liked Will with Holly. Will should have recognized that a wedding would put too much stress on her. She even told him that she would plan her birthday parties way too much when she was a kid to the point where it would take her too long and then no one would show up because it took her too long. Such a waste to continue the Tina storyline with Blaine when Mike was right there (Plus, why waste Harry Shum Jr like that in this episode?) They totally wasted his return and shortchanged Tina an actual storyline. It doesn't add anything to the overall storyline of the show. Speaking of wasting returns, they certainly didn't waste Quinn and Santana's return. I loved that they had them hook up. I could actually see them working if they gave them an actual shot. They can match each other on many levels and they challenge and push each other in ways that their other partners have not. Plus, they are hot together!

Leslie Tolbert

Hello! Thank you as always for the great Glee content! :) You were asking about the song Emma did - "Getting Married Today" is from a Stephen Sondheim show called Company. Up until "Guns and Ships" from Hamilton came along, it was considered to be the fastest and most difficult song on Broadway! But of course I think they did an awesome job of it in this episode :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Married_Today_(song)

Emma Mellin

“Tina’s mad that the gay guys are gay” LEGIT LMFAAAOO

Leticia Schmitt

Dont' worry, Travis. Rachel was doing a covid test 🙏🙏🙏 lol

Leticia Schmitt

I love that Emma sung I'm not getting married today. It's from my favourite musical called Company.

scarr (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-27 23:35:04 My Klaine heart loves this episode 🥰 but yeah for Will & Emma's story arc it isn't the best 😂 We've Got Tonight is such a great song/scene and Anything Can Happen actually fits so well with the ending of this episode for so many storylines! We've gotta appreciate that when we get it 🤣 also the kids who have graduated randomly being at the school is just gunna be a thing and it's never going to make sense 😝
2023-06-27 21:01:39 My Klaine heart loves this episode 🥰 but yeah for Will & Emma's story arc it isn't the best 😂 We've Got Tonight is such a great song/scene and Anything Can Happen actually fits so well with the ending of this episode for so many storylines! We've gotta appreciate that when we get it 🤣 also the kids who have graduated randomly being at the school is just gunna be a thing and it's never going to make sense 😝

My Klaine heart loves this episode 🥰 but yeah for Will & Emma's story arc it isn't the best 😂 We've Got Tonight is such a great song/scene and Anything Can Happen actually fits so well with the ending of this episode for so many storylines! We've gotta appreciate that when we get it 🤣 also the kids who have graduated randomly being at the school is just gunna be a thing and it's never going to make sense 😝

Annie Willow

Can we talk about the transitions during/after “We’ve Got Tonight”? They were soooo smooth!! 🤌🏻 Single, drunk Quinn flirting with Santana was so funny! Santana was so thrown off at first but then she decided to just go with it and just have fun. And fun they did have. Twice. And I’m glad that they realized that that’s all that it was. Blaine and Kurt, though, are just an endless roller coaster. Will and Emma are too, actually. That cliffhanger- “Anything Could Happen”. 🙀


Man I love this episode!😁 so fun! And that Finn speech is just 💋👌🏾

Siobhan Linehan

This is one of the most iconic and talked about Glee episodes for sure, it's crazy. I enjoyed the Santana and Quinn thing. And I caught your scissoring hands, cheeky Travis lol. 😂😜 The Kurt and Blaine storyline in this confused me. Blaine is supposed to be all hung up on that crush he has on Sam, but that isn't even mentioned in this episode, but then Blaine goes straight back to that after lol. It makes no sense. But Kurt saying to Tina "did you vapo-rape my ex boyfriend" is maybe my favourite Glee quote ever haha. 😂😂 Also literally a couple of episodes ago Rachel was telling Kurt that she's in love with Brody, so where has this open relationship thing suddenly come from? But I do like that they brought back the Jake/Ryder/Marley love triangle. It's been simmering under the surface for a while now, so something had to give. And the thing with Emma running away from the wedding, while frustrating, does make sense for the story I think. We've seen her getting more and more anxious all season and doing a big wedding was a mistake in the first place. Plus Will has been away in Washington for months and there's the Finn kiss situation too. It's just one big mess and Emma running away felt right. But I think you'll like where that storyline goes. And I do love the music in this episode, especially the first duet with Marley and Jake, You're All I Need To Get By. It's one of the most underrated Glee performances, I love it. 👌 I'm really looking forward to the next episode, it's my second favourite of the season. Some BRILLIANT performances in it. 😊

Angelina Sargent

This show is really annoying how much they blurr the lines between consent and romance... like this entire episode just reeks of forcing a relationship. I'm glad Travis caught it too because some of these storylines really drive me insane. Emma running from the wedding. TINA is just like the worst. Even Finn and Blaine telling the people they love that they don't really have a choice on what happens between them. It's all super fucked up.

Gemma Rivera

I agree with blurring those lines and I don't see how they can find it attractive to hear, "we're going to end up together no matter what you say" I find that disturbing and troubling to be honest. It's the first step in obsession. I get that they're hurt and hoping for a reunion thinking it will solve their issues, but it won't...especially since both Rachel and Kurt have some healing to do from the actions of Finn and Blaine that led to their breakups. Part of that healing is moving on and forward from it

Selena Graham

Can somebody tell me if this is true or not but did Glee fans really have the power to vote on a one episode only hook up at the wedding and you guys chose Santana and Quinn or did somebody lie to me lmaoo


I am sure most people know this but I love that Kurt and Blaine’s hotel room number is 206. It is a nice little Easter egg because season 2 episode 6 is Never Been Kissed which is when we were introduced to Blaine. It was when Kurt and Blaine met each other for the first time. The prop and set decorators for this show love to throw in little Easter eggs like this.


Whoa, I watched the show back then and heard nothing about this, but also I wasn’t on social media, sooo…. Hopefully someone knows for sure

Monique Vanh

'We've Got Tonight' was Rachel and Finn's last duet together on the show (before Cory died). Makes the meaning of the song a little different, hey.

Staton Chapman

That transition when i saw it i was like wtf are they in the same room.


I felt the exact same way you felt when this aired. I was so happy that they were finally getting married and then when she ran away I was like “Really? Again?” I do still feel that way when looking at their story from season 1 to this point. However, while watching your reactions (this is my first full rewatch since the show ended) I’ve realised that with the way the story was built throughout this season, her running away does make sense. Will left her to plan the entire wedding on her own. That can be a lot for anyone, and even more so for someone struggling with mental illness. Emma’s OCD gets worse by stress/anxiety (as we’ve seen in previous seasons). And Will wasn’t even supportive of her after coming back, he didn’t even seem to notice something was wrong. I do like that this storyline display that just because Will helped Emma cope with some of her struggles before, that doesn’t mean that her illness is gone. Mental illness is a lifelong battle. A little side note: Jenna (Tina) said on her podcast she has with Kevin (Artie) that the Tina/Blaine storyline came to life because she told the writers that she used to have a crush on Kevin back when they started filming season 1, before he came out as gay. So this was yet another example of the writers incorporating the actors’ personal experiences into the show. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the storyline, especially with how long it’s dragged out and the whole thing with her straddling him in bed last episode. I don’t think her massaging him with the oil would’ve been nearly as cringe if she just sat next to him. But because they had her straddle him while he was asleep (and thus unable to give consent) made it so inappropriate. But this was filmed 10 years ago and ALOT has changed since then on how society looks at these things so I’ll let it slide. If a modern show did it and then just brushed it under the rug like that, I’d stop watching.


I loved Will and Emma together back when the show first aired. But this rewatch (my first full rewatch since then) has made me change my mind about them as a couple, especially the story this season with Will leaving her to plan a big wedding. If he had truly cared about help her manage her OCD (instead of trying to make it go away, which doesn’t work) he would’ve done some research on how OCD is triggered and seen the disaster coming a mile away and because of that, insisted on a small wedding.

Sebastian Whitaker

Rachel about to enter her Terri Schuester era yup yup