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Emil Borg

"Taking the mickey" is the same as saying "Pulling my leg" or "Yanking my chain". It basically means that you don't believe what someone is saying.


i really can't wait until you and if you get to the steven moffat era. i love the RTD era don't get me wrong but the Moffat era has a special place in my heart so i am so curious to see how you like it and super excited!

Siobhan Linehan

I totally agree. Moffat has my heart too. My top three seasons are season 5, season 8 and season 9. I'm going to keep paying for him to react to the show so he'll get there soon. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

"Rude to the Ood, dude!" 🤣🤣🤣And then you imitating the singing at the end, "Ahhhhh, ahhhh, ahhhh!" 🤣🤣🤣Plus, great accidental, but not really, psychic-ness there


Take the micky means to make fun of.

Siobhan Linehan

I do like this episode, not a great one but definitely enjoyable. I love the Ood, yes they are ugly and a bit gross lol but they're also really sweet and kind. And yes you can get Ood plushies, they're as creepy as you can imagine. 😂 Donna really is sassy and you're right that she does things in her own way. Many times she's in charge and The Doctor listens to her which is a different dynamic to anything we've had before. If she doesn't like something she tells him straight and I think he likes that. Donna's regularly voted as one of the top two companions from the show so I'm glad you're liking her as much as we all do. And yeah there was a bit of foreshadowing in this episode. You picked up on what it meant when the Ood said The Doctor's song is ending soon, but you missed a couple of other hints in there. But you seemed to notice them talking about the bees disappearing again, they definitely wanted viewers to pick up on that. 👀 I look forward to the next episodes, it's a two part story and I have a feeling you'll really like it. 😊


Psychic Travis strikes again 🤣 I'm a big fan of this episode. We get a chance to see Donna's humanity kick in once again, and she's just as sassy. I also like that the aliens in this story are the Google guys and it's the humans who are the villain. Great reaction, excited for the next one.


🤣🤣🤣 I didn't even notice 🤣🤣 the "good" guys. 🤦‍♂️


oh im right there with you season 5 is my favorite along with strangely 7 i know a lot of people hate but i love it and 9 of course. thank you so much for paying i can't wait😊