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Ilsuk Yang

If I ever meet Darren in real life, I'm running away!


I'll jump in front of ya and intercept him 🤣

Amy Smith

The relationship this victim had with his father also added such a human and heartbreaking element to this episode. The fact that in his last moments, he returned to his most comforting moments with his father. 💔


This episode is probably my favorite. I love how focused it is on David, his backstory and who he was. And that Andrew is mostly quiet and in the background of this one. There is also so much mystery surrounding what actually happened with David in the real crime of this. How he ended up where he was and if/why he went with Andrew. I remember reading once that they were seen walking his dog together and that David appeared to crying and Andrew was talking very fast to him. And I think that may have been one of the last times David was seen alive. I just really appreciate the respectful way David's character was shown and we are left with an impression of the good man that his friends and family have always said that he was. ❤