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yes. that rini breakup was absolutely needed at this point. now that its happened, i think theres some important analysis of why they broke up. u mentioned how ricky has become sort of whiny (in comparison to his usual self). thats for a reason. when he got back together with nini, he basically stunted his own personal growth. him getting back together with nini was a way for him to try to keep things the way they always were because, like he said, "it feels safe". we know a major thing for ricky is that he can't handle change. since he was fighting his own personal growth, it resulted in him becoming someone he did not want to be. in order for him to truly grow, he would have to let nini go and embrace change. as for nini, she's always been someone thats independent minded. but she always saw herself through a boy's eye (specifically ricky) and her being with ricky stunted her growth as well. both of them realize in this episode that they are ultimately incompatible and hold each other back. s1 ep 5 for me is a great showcase of them starting to grow (ricky accepting change by moving on from nini and nini embracing her independence) but when rickys moms bf showed up at the play in ep 9, ricky desperately searched for something from his past to hold onto and that ended up being nini. i think this storyline is incredibly well written!

Gemma Rivera

I just love this episode...my favorites, EJ and Gina are just so sweet with each other. I love that she was the one who helped him get his clarity and that he returned the favor for her as well. Their paths are so different, but they ended up with similar outcomes, with him wanting to find his place apart from what he's been told all his life and her wanting to find her place since nothing has been steady or set for her. I love how they both keep trying to do things different with good intentions, but how they sometimes fall short, but they keep learning and growing from it. They've both had the best character arcs on the show in my opinion and I love that it seems like they are moving towards each other. I want it to happen so bad. Mr. Mazzara seems to be on a similar arc as them as he was presented as a cold and detached person and we have slowly gotten to see him move towards this reliable, caring and just very sweet guy underneath that gruff exterior. He just knows how to balance Miss Jenn's chaotic energy and I love it. I was glad to see Big Red and Ashlyn come together at the end. I feel like Ashlyn's intentions were good and that maybe she was afraid that Big Red only wanted his family's business because that's all he's known and that he hadn't maybe considered anything else, but it was nice to hear him state why he wants the career that he does. It's refreshing to see on shows like this. And EJ and Big Red are just perfectly cast as Gaston and LeFou....I loved their song in the beginning

Ilsuk Yang

Ooh, there's some stuff I want to say about Ricky, but I won't so that I don't spoil anything for Travis. Definitely whiny, though

Siobhan Linehan

From your comments it seems like you're watching the show along with Travis for the first time. That's awesome and I'm glad you're enjoying it. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

Man, Howie's voice is just too good! I would love if someone sang to me like that, too :) Mr. Mazzara is just too sweet! I love Miss Jen's extra-ness so much (I mean her literally singing a high note after talking about it is peak comedy 🤣🤣🤣). Her nervousness during the recording of the coffee thing is basically me during any sort of try-out, speech, etc. (she's more extra than I am, but that's 'cause she's Miss Jen 🤣🤣🤣). Mr. Mazzara calming her down and tricking her into a good recording is just too sweet! He's so supportive of her and I am here for it!

Marek Barwinek

I can't believe I've forgotten the chills Howie's voice gives...simply a-mazing, so is this episode overall tbh. I think one of the best eps this season for sure.


Haha ill be interested to hear. While gina is my favorite character, ricky is my close second. Third being kourt. I think ricky is one of, if not, the most complex character in the show

Siobhan Linehan

Love this episode, definitely one of the best of season 2. I always find it fun watching season 2 reactions of this show knowing where all these storylines are going. I'm constantly saying to myself "he's going to like where that goes" or "he won't like this goes" etc. It takes all my will power not to spoil anything lol. With Ricky, yeah he's whiny in this season and that's just because he's unhappy and he's lost. You're right that we don't really know who Ricky is yet. But now he's broken up with Nini he comes into his own. Especially in season 3. I can't wait for you to see his character growth because it's amazing. I'm totally with you about Mr Mazzara and Miss Jenn, they're made for each other. He's so hung up on her and it's the most adorable thing ever. He's an absolute sweetheart under his grumpy exterior. As for Ashlyn and Big Red, I love that his dream is to run his family's pizza shop. That shows that every dream doesn't have to be about stardom. I think his dream is so wholesome and sweet. And I love that Ashlyn realized this at the end. They have the most healthy relationship on the show imo. Also Big Red is the PERFECT Le Fou, his version of the song Gaston was brilliant. 🔥 And about EJ and Gina. When this season aired, I definitely got caught up in the fandom outrage about the romance between them. But knowing what I know now about why they headed in this direction and about what it leads to makes me appreciate it more. I think at this point in time they both needed each other. Gina's feelings for Ricky are complicated whereas he's still so caught up in the Nini thing, so she just wants someone to be with. She wants someone who'll notice her and appreciate her and EJ is that person right now. And EJ is in a complicated situation himself right now with figuring out his future and Gina feels safe. I think that's what it comes down to with EJ and Gina, they're each other's saftey nets. I also agree that if someone sang to me like Howie sang to Kourtney I'd give in immediately lol. He'd be forgiven. 😂 I can't wait for the next episode, the song that Ricky sings is one of my favourites of the whole show. It was written by Josh and it's STUNNING! I look forward to seeing what you think about it. 😊


EJ to me out of all the cast of this show has the most similar storyline to Troy in the origional movie... He has a legacy that he's expected to fullfill but isn't quite sure he's earned that legacy.. just like Troy's legacy with his own father