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Hello friends !

I hope this post finds you well.

I just wanted to address something that has been happening very often lately, especially with shows like Grey’s Anatomy.

A lot of the comments lately have been very spoilery. When it comes to storylines on the shows saying things like “trust the process it’ll pay off” or “ I can’t wait for you to see why this happened” etc etc etc set me up to expect something big - thus it ruins the suspense for me.

A lot of times because I’m expecting it, it doesn’t land with me the same way as if there was no expectation.

Remember that this is my first time seeing all of this content. It’s easy to look back and say “oh just you wait” or “it’ll all make sense”…. But please don’t.

The beauty is me going in to these blind - please don’t rob me of that.


Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I do certainly apologize if I have ever written comments like these under any of your reactions I've watched, Travis. If I have, I never meant to. I hate it when patrons write comments like these under any reactions I follow. I hope that all the rest of your supporters will respect this request from you, my friend. Sincerely, Heidi


Absolutely agree! I personally love spoiling things for myself cause I hate surprises but I'd never (even very vaguely) spoil someone else's experience, you deserve the excitement and entertainment we all have felt watching these shows ourselves :)


Totally agree. I'd rather wait to see if you make the connections. And if you don't then it can be pointed out after the fact rather than trying to set it up for you.

Avalon Perry

I agree! I know people mean well, but expectation spoilers are such a big issue. Some of the other reactors I watch have moderators that go through their comments and get rid of anything potentially spoilery, maybe that's something you could consider. Thanks for all you do, Travis!

Travis Manning

I thought about it but I am usually "on it" and pretty active in responses and likes and I feel like if I did that.... that aspect would suffer. :(

Nikki S

Yeah I call them soft spoilers and I hate when people do that but I didn’t know if I should politely ask them not to. I’ve seen that happening a lot 😕it ruins the experience a bit for a first time viewer.

Nikki S

Oh I have a question. Do you care if we share things like “this couple was dating/married in real life” since it’s not about the show itself or do you want to keep it just about the show and not know behind the scenes stuff? 😊

Christin Schumacher

Understood and my apologies. I made a comment about a story line making sense soon because when the show aired soooo many people stopped watching because of how “outlandish” it was. Obviously you’re quite literally more invested in watching it through lol

Siobhan Linehan

I know I'm someone who's done this a few times, but I've been trying to make sure I don't anymore. I really try to keep my comments spoiler free and not indicating what's coming up. That's hard, especially with Doctor Who lol, but I know that makes for a better viewing experience. For example, after the latest Doctor Who Christmas special I was SO temped to tell you that you were going to be surprised by the twist at the end of 4x01, but I held back and I'm glad I didn't tease it because you were so surprised. And now you've said this I'll be even more careful. The only things I do tell you are things you need to know to fully understand what's going on, like with season mystery arcs or with classic who actors coming back who you wouldn't recognize. And I tell you when there's some behind the scenes drama lol. But apart from stuff like that I'll make extra sure to keep my comments spoiler free and tease free for all the shows I watch with you. 😊

Avalon Perry

Yeah understand that concern. Either way, if you do decide to hire mods of some sort I would be willing to help. I've seen TVD, OUAT, Grey's all multiple times over. Hope things work out!


"Soft spoilers" are annoying af. Not only with storylines, but with characters as well. "Don't worry, 'such and such' will surprise you" or "you'll come around, he will have the best character development arc".

Brigitta Spethson

This makes a lot of sense and I hadn't ever thought of it this way. I had been a person who would unintentionally do stuff like this. I appreciate you posting this!


Yes! Especially One Tree Hill with this one. So many people practically told him from the first episode about Nathan's development arc and don't get me started about the comments I've seen about Dan.

Leticia Schmitt

I, personally, HATE any kind of spoiler... If I'm watching something and someone tells me even like "oh you're gonna love the end" I HATE THAT hahahaha totally get it.

Marie Almeida

Guilty! Will be sure not to do this again.


I’m even getting kinda bothered by the “so and so is my favorite or the best/worst character” on their very first episode.