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Thanks Johnesha!


Radha Karia

Friday treat from Trav Trav! Is that ok? To call you that?

Juan Jose

Haha great way to close the week. So you’re entering to some crazy territory that will make this season unforgettable! Will be great watching. Loved how you said “”so she has ghost superpowers now?” Lol 😂😂😂 same thing I said back then

Marie Almeida

You better get ready to cry

Edgerrin Brown

I felt really bad for Virginia Dixon in the elevator with Miranda.


I find it really unrealistic that an entire hospital of doctors don't know how to converse with an autistic doctor.

Portia Crain

Ghost denny is one storyline that I disliked so much my first watch through, but now on my 4th watch through I can appreciate it...

Charissa Kay

You apologized right away and that's all anyone asks. Know better, do better. You good. 🫶🏾

Charissa Kay

Studies on ASD have been outdated for decades. It's only been within the last that autistic voices have begun to be heeded. It will take many more yet still for researching to become current and accurate. So not unrealistic at all actually. And I'll even say the shows portrayal needed MUCH work as our functioning is not monolithic.

Jeanette Dawe

without spoiling anything for anyone....yeah watching it now knowing why she is seeing him it makes since

Melanin Ky

First time watching I literally said Izzie has lost the best part of her damn mind lmaoo causeee NO way!

Marvin Prein

Which is why I enjoy "The Good Doctor" for shedding more light in that aspect as well


I know Grey's by heart but I still don't like the Ghost Denny storyline 🙈


you’ll understand the ghost thing soon and when you do you’re gonna wish you didn’t so hang on to the parts you like 🫶


Sadie reminds me more of Linda Cardellini

Nikki S

Izzy in her Jeremy Gilbert era it seems 😂😂

Alicia Brown

I love the way Owen kisses. A lot of people don’t but I find it so hot.