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Angelina Sargent

Nikki really does suck tiny dicks. I hate her. I am literally judging Jake because he was with her for so long.

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, Nikki can go fork herself! Dan, too! About what he said, though, I have a feeling you'll be finding out about that at some point. Deb sleeping with Dan is just, ugh, but I guess there's history there, but still, ugh. I gotta say, though, it seems like you were starting this show just yesterday, and yet, you're almost done with the first season! Yeah, Lucas and Nathan have switched places, but not completely. At this point, Nathan is a lot closer to what Lucas was at the beginning of the season and Lucas is somewhere in the middle. If this was a few episodes ago, I would agree that Lucas was where Nathan was at the beginning of the season, but he's been getting better with each episode these past several episodes. He's still not back to the Lucas of old, but at least he's not "asshole Lucas" anymore


I think Lucas and Nathan switched places in their mindsets though. Lucas is now making stupid irrational decisions that unintentionally hurt other people. Nathan is now trying to work on himself, not letting himself be defined by his daddy issues anymore.

Ilsuk Yang

I mean I agree with you about Lucas if this was a few episodes ago, but not where we currently are in the show (if anything, he's kind of boring right now; let the tomato-throwing commence ;) ). Nathan has done a complete 180 (I remember watching/reading something where a character was trying to express he did a 180, but accidentally said he did a 360 🤣🤣🤣)

Charissa Kay

Jake is exactly the kind of guy who would stay too long to try and make it work with a clearly manipulative and violent abuser. Especially if there was the responsibility of a child. He's doing the right thing by his child now regarding the abusive parent. I don't see any reason for judgement or victim blaming.

Nikki S

The actor who plays Nathan (James lafferty) said the actor who plays Keith (Craig Sheffer) gave him a lot of good advice and told him to save his money and stuff like that since James was only 17 when the show started. He said Craig was a good role model for him and I love that so much! Also Joy who plays Haley said she had a massive crush on Craig in season 1 haha❤️


I'm so gay because when Lucas said to Peyton "I got your Blackout CD." I was like, "Britney Spears album Blackout? Great album!" Then I realize this was made in 2003-2004 🤦🏾‍♂🤦🏾‍♂