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Marie Almeida

You are going to love EVERYONE on this show. Trust. You may fall out of love with one, but for the most part everyone is amazing.

Emma Mellin

the fact that you love the show already is a great sign because in my opinion, season 1 is the worst season 🙈 it just gets better from here!! 😁😁

Emma Mellin

yep totally agree with this! theres one character that i just cannot stand!


i'm glad you're loving it! can't believe we're almost halfway through the season already

Angelina Sargent

I've watched this series and I cannot think of who you guys are referring too right now... unless it's the guy I never liked myself. The natural path dr. Never liked him. But have no clue why? Lol


let’s let travis make up his own mind. ;) my faves are addison and cooper and one character we haven’t met yet. But I don’t hate anyone lmao


Is this episode not available to watch anymore?

Shanice British

This show has such a great cast

Lacy Hause

I just realized the little boy Michael is Alex Standall from 13 Reasons Why. Did anyone else realize that?