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Thanks Amber!



I believe Lex is six years older than Clark and his friends. So by this episode Lex is around 21 and they’re around 15

Ilsuk Yang

Yeah, completely agree with you about Bob! Fork that guy! Yeah, Lana has always had a blind spot where Whitney is concerned. Don't forget how easily she forgave him for stringing Clark up like a scarecrow! And it seems like Lana has forgotten that Clark was there for Whitney when he first found out about his dad being sick. I know Lana's scared here, but all sense seems to have gone from her head in this episode, well, till the end anyways. Clark's reaction to Chloe rubbing up on him, then kissing him is easily my favorite part of this episode 🤣🤣🤣. Josie is right, Lex is supposedly 21 here, even though he plays like a guy much older than that, probably because Michael Rosenbaum was almost 30 when he played Lex in season 1.

Sherry Palmer

And wasn't Tom Welling about 26 when the first season aired?

Staton Chapman

Oh yea I really liked how that episode ended as well