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Even When


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Ilsuk Yang

Ah, I remember that high school awkwardness! Not as awkward now, but still super awkward 🤣🤣🤣. But this is why you actually get actual teenagers to play, you know, teenagers. Feels much more authentic and not like an adult trying to remember what it's like to be a teenager. Also, I love Big Red and Ashlynn! They're so adorably awkward

Siobhan Linehan

I'm so glad you enjoyed this episode, it really is great and they definitely are all adorable lol. Big Red and Ashlyn are just the perfect fit, they make me smile. I also think Miss Jenn and Mazzara should be together, they have SO much chemistry. As for Ricky and Nini, it always seems like they want such different things and they're never quite in sync. Whether they're in the same place or far apart. I just don't think they're soulmates. And it doesn't help that the actors broke up while filming this season, and it was a REALLY bad breakup too. Olivia's song Drivers License is about Josh and he's released some songs about her too. It was a mess. 😂🙈 But I agree that the way their two songs came together into one was SO clever. I loved that too. Josh and Olivia wrote their two parts of the song and then the show's composers helped bring them together. 👌 And I love Kourtney's voice, she's incredible. She has some great original songs coming up. Also the stuff with Gina getting the chocolates becomes an ongoing thing brought up multiple times across seasons 2 and 3 lol. And there's more to them than meets the eye, that's all I can say. 👀 But as one of the biggest Ricky and Gina shippers I do love it every time they interact, you noticed the vibes they have in just the short scene they had in this episode. The actors are BFFs so they have fantastic chemistry. 🔥 I'll look forward to more this coming week. 😊

Siobhan Linehan

They really would. I love their banter lol. And Mr Mazzara deserves some love in his life I think, might make him a bit less grumpy. 😂

Gemma Rivera

I thought this was such a cute episode. A lot of focus on couples, but a few highlights on friendships that I really liked seeing. I like how they represent a lot of different, yet relatable types of high school romances, with the highlight being Ashland and Big Red. They are so adorable together and I love how they're able to communicate how scared and awkward they feel. And they manage to also be good friends to others in the process. You can tell they feel safe with each other and don't lose the essence of who they are. Seriously, even for adults, this should be couple goals. I really like Seb and Kourtney's friendship. They support each other and call each other out on things without hesitation. I can see this friendship anchoring the whole group. The only thing I wish we could have seen was more emphasis on EJ being single. They built up anticipation with his all-black outfit and then he disappeared from the episode. I actually really like him, so I was disappointed we didn't get more backstory about him