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Thanks Siobhan!



I love this Christmas special! & Seeing your reaction to Kylie was just as good as I knew it would be hahaha

Ilsuk Yang

So, I will give you one hint on who the next companion is. Think back to the old man on earth, the only person on the street during Christmas Eve. You've seen him before and he has something to do with the next companion ;)

Siobhan Linehan

You would've known it was Kylie at the start if you'd watched the titles lol. I know you like to skip them, but I'd recommend watching them. Or at least watch them on the first episode of each season and also on the special episodes so you can see the names of the actors. It's only an extra 20 seconds or so. Might save you having you Google people after the episodes. 😜 I'm glad you liked this one, definitely the best Christmas special so far I agree. But better is to come as the show keeps improving. As I've said before, the budget gets bigger each season and you see it again here moving from season 3 to season 4. Of course they got Kylie which can't have been cheap lol and the CGI has taken another massive step up. The ship looked so good. You'll see more CGI improvements through season 4 and more big guest stars. I really look forward to watching it with you, you're going to be happy with the new companion I think. 😊 Also yes we do say series instead of season here in Britain, but you saying season is completely fine. Anyone who moans about that is just being petty, it doesn't matter. I always use season when I talk to Americans and most other people do too, we get enough American TV over here to know your lingo. 😂 Oh and this episode might seem like it doesn't tie in to the continuing story like the previous Christmas specials did, but actually it does. Like Ilsuk said, remember the old man on Earth. He's very important. And this story also circles around to the season 4 finale. You'll see what I mean by that. 👀

Dustee Lodholtz

Iykyk 😬🤐 kinda the one I'm waiting for and then season 5 to start cause it's one of my favorites

Siobhan Linehan

Ah ok, fair enough. Although during season 8 you will have to watch the titles because they do a very special twist involving them. But I'll talk more about that at the time and apart from that yeah you can skip them if you don't want surprises ruined. I get that.

Siobhan Linehan

Season 5 is my number 1 season, I absolutely love it. I can't wait for him to get there. 😊


watching this after the submarine incident hits different lol

Nathan Jarrett

Verity Lambert was the very first producer on Doctor Who back in the 60's and was the first female producer at the BBC. She had died earlier that year and so the in memory of card was in honor of her

Kalindi Howard (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-19 08:33:58 Russell Tovey was the guy in the 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' episode of Sherlock - might be where you recognise him from.
2024-05-18 09:54:21 Russell Tovey was the guy in the 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' episode of Sherlock - might be where you recognise him from.

Russell Tovey was the guy in the 'The Hound of the Baskervilles' episode of Sherlock - might be where you recognise him from.