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Thanks Sikozu!



Yay you just made my day tomorrow 😛


P.S. I don’t “heart” the videos till after I watch them so I can keep track, anyone else do this too?

Ilsuk Yang

Jason really is a dumb motherforker! All these people barely starting relationships and declaring they're in love is pretty ridiculous, but it adds to the charm of the show. I've realized on this watch-through that I don't like Sookie as a character. She's very wishy-washy with who she likes and everything. I will say that I don't like Bill or Sam treating her as if she was their property and that they both need to take a step back. Then again, so does Sookie. Bill literally caught her kissing Sam after a night or two of him being away, so, yeah, I can understand why he'd be upset. It's like all these characters are stuck in high school and it's forking hilarious 🤣🤣🤣. Also, poor Arlene!


Another one!? 😍🥰😍🥰😍


Yay Jessica!! <3 She's one of my favorite characters!

Laura T

Jessica is awesome and I had such a crush on her as a teen!

Staton Chapman

I know Sam has over stepped his grounds n been over protective but I really like him. He seems like a genuine good guy

Janel Davis

I love how your mind went straight to "pimp" when you saw Maryann's house 😂

Janel Davis

He's even better in the books. He's a much better friend to Sookie, not pressuring her nearly as much for a romantic relationship. Also, he can change into any animal he wants; he just prefers the collie form because it's "big, but not threatening". So in this world of overpowered, supernatural beings, he's actually one of the most powerful of all... and he prefers a nonthreatening form. Also, true shifters (those who can shift into anything at all) are incredibly rare, so Sam's a really big deal in the supernatural community--to the point that he could live like royalty if he wanted. But he's a genuinely humble guy who just wants a simple life, so instead he's hiding in some backwoods town hoping no one finds him. Minor book event spoiler: There's a really great moment later in the series where there's a big fight happening, and all the supernatural beings are in awe when Sam shows up to help. Sookie--being oblivious to what a big deal Sam is--doesn't get it. She gets told to stay by him so she'll be safe, and as she's thinking that a dog isn't going to be much help, she turns and finds herself being defended by a motherfucking lion. It's a cool moment 😊