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Surprise midnight drop 🥶


Luke K. De An

YESSSSSS! Im so excited! Gonna watch it right now haha!

Leticia Schmitt

Jesus... It's 4a.m here in Brazil. Wasn't expecting that. Thank you. And sorry for bashing private practice, I didn't realized it was a sponsored show, I thought you just decided and I was trying to give a tip. I was a d*CK

Travis Manning

no worries. not everything is going to be everyone's flavor! I try to keep a big variety! lolol

Luke K. De An

Owen! My boy! I love me some Owen Hunt haha.

Emma Mellin

what a great surprise!! im on holiday in Spain atm so a Greys reaction to watch by the pool was a great way to spend the day 😍☀️🌊

Emma Mellin

i am loving life i cant lie 😂 couple days left and then back to work 🫠

Angelina Sargent

Haha well speaking of bragging...I live on Maui and I too am gonna be watching this episode by the ocean tomorrow. Gotta go to sleep now though. ;)


nah you're spoiling us! 😭🫶 thank you!

Edgerrin Brown

A great surprise to wake up to


owen ain't it for me lol people love him but i never really have BUT this is a great first appearance for him lol

Jeanette Dawe

I really liked him in the beginning then you know who comes and ruins everything

Luke K. De An

I like owen. I don’t agree with and honestly don’t like some of his decisions and way he handled things. But, I enjoy him and like him as a character, particularly in the early seasons.


Season 5 gets sooooo juicy and good one of my favorite ships is going to happen ❤️❤️❤️❤️



Nessie- Je lis, et alors

Thanks for this surprise drop ! I am soooo here for season 5 ! Lots of character development in my opinion. I think I became an addict after this specific season. I am glad to... re-re-re-re-re watch it.😂😂 Enjoy !


gotta love owen hunt i’m sure you’ll love him too


honestly idk why people love him. it really sucks that he does have a good first impression though.

Edgerrin Brown

70 likes in 11 hours. Dangggg

Clay W

Owen Hunt has entered the chat. That is one handsome man.


I love Christina’s line “ consider the possibility of shutting the hell up!”

Charissa Kay

Catching this ep on syndicate one random afternoon got me back into the show after a 5 year hiatus lol. DVR'd and binged the crap out of it until I caught up!

Stephanie Johns

I forgot about icicle what a mess

Iyana Taylor

Loooove Owen Hunt uugh

Taylor Hensley

I totally forgot how arrogant Owen seems in his introduction


Owen Hunt <3 <3 <3

Jaylen A

wow surprised at all of the people in these comments who love Owen hunt.. he is extremely hated in the fandom for some reason, never seen so many lovers lol

Kayce Daniels

I completely forgot how Hunt became part of the show lol

Shanice British

Yayyyy Owen. He’s very hated by the fandom but I’ll never get it. They pick and choose who to hate in this show. If we’re gonna hate ppl for not being perfect then we gotta hate everyone even the star of the show because she’s a damn mess 😂 Derek is loved yet he’s a damn d**k. I love Owen. Arrogant and all