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Thanks Lindsay!


Ilsuk Yang

I mean, you're never gonna get rid of that sign, and, honestly, that sign is more appropriate now than ever before! Don't get me wrong, Dan's dad is just as much of an asshole as he is (well, I would still say Dan's a bit more of an asshole than his dad), but, as you said, that doesn't excuse his actions whatsoever! These women deserve awards for putting up with SOs like Dan and his dad (and for protecting their sons). I mean, it would've been different if Dan had explained any of this to Deb and Nathan, but no, he had to be a son of a bench and hold it inside as if it was making himself and his son better! Newsflash Dan, it's not better for anyone! Also, I was very mad at Lucas when he didn't immediately pull away from Peyton's kiss, but I'll give him a little bit of credit for stopping (eventually). Still, not cool, though


I think Dan is a great character, but I don't think you'll get too many Dan sympathizers. I agree, at a certain point, Dan should have figured it out on his own. Like Nathan is trying to do. Also, his actions go beyond how his father treated him. I don't think anyone will come for you lol.


Yeah I have 0 sympathy for Dan. Dan sux 💯

Travis Manning

Half the time people come for me because I haven’t seen the full character arc so I’m speaking proactively. If I continue to hate him and always will - that’s cool too ! Lol

Ilsuk Yang

People need to realize that you've only seen the beginning of these characters' arcs. I mean, there's 9 seasons of this show!


Just bc we learn more about Dan and understand him better doesn't make anything right that he did. imho it makes it worse bc as Nathan said: he knew exactly how shitty Nathan must feel and did it anyway. And as for a generation breaking the cycle: Nathan and Lucas are trying to do exactly that. They wanna be better human beings than their dad. You can clearly see it in the difference Nathan treats Haley vs how Dan treats Deb.

Emma Mellin

LOVED seeing you jamming to “Maybe Tomorrow” by Stereophonics (the song playing while Lucas and Peyton were kissing) !!! 😍 Stereophonics are a Welsh band (from Wales, UK) and as a Welsh girl, the Stereophonics deserve SOOOO much more love!!

Pearltheodora Rose

You said Lucas is a bit like Danny boy 😂😂 ….. correct …. Maybe 😂

Charissa Kay

I'll tell ya EVERYONE and their grandma was doing the quilt blankets either just before or due to this. I still have mine with all my track stuff which I got as a grad gift the year this show came out. If you got one you were grad official! 😂


Now we know where Lucas got his blonde hair from. His grandmother has blonde hair.

Nikki S

Yeah in high school we always walked In our close friends houses without knocking but they would know we were coming lol but we lived in a small town in Michigan with 2,000 people and it was so safe there.

Nikki S

I never really forgave peyton and Lucas for cheating on Brooke. My best friend in high school did this to me and we didn’t recover. I had so much anger watching that scene when I was a kid.

Nikki S

I’m surprised people were defending Dan to you bc over the last 20 years I havent really heard any Dan defenders so they really coming out of the woodwork now lol.

Tiffani Donaldson

I grew up in louisiana so even when we moved to Texas...we still practiced the same precautions lol. My BFF always had her door unlocked and her mom encouraged us just walking in like we live there. I even had a room at her house for a summer to get out of my house for a bit lol