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Edgerrin Brown

THANK GOODNESS YOU DID THIS. I was really hoping





Edgerrin Brown

Seasons 1-4 are GREAT. But , Seasons 5-8 are PHENOMENAL


Your face at the house of candles is exactly how I felt the first time watching it


may have shed a tear at the house of candles. season five is gonna be one for the books


i believe seasons 5-12 is peak greys anatomy so i absolutely can’t wait for you to start season five 🤩

Juan Jose

The fact that Tuck is almost a grown up in the current season 😅

Edgerrin Brown

When Alex called Izzie a “stupid B#%+*” I was pisssssed because Izzie is my favorite greys character.

Red Dwarf

My brain "time to get things done and have a productive day!" Also my brain "another Grey's dropped!....and hey...remember how you never finished Supernatural? How fun would it be to start it all over from the beginning with Travis?" *siiiigh* my ONLY saving grace is that I am married. And while hubby is gone 4 to 5 days a week so I CAN watch, it also makes me get off my butt and do things when he is here ..... and also 2 hours before he gets home LOL. I do exaggerate....slightly!

Sarika H

we can see how much you enjoy reacting to this, the highs and lows are all over your face ~ don’t play poker Travis


😆 feel the same way, Travis. I oscillate between "fuck you asshole" and "I fucking love you" with these characters.

emily ღ

i find that means you really love the characters. if you felt indifference or just sheer anger that's one thing but that fluctuation, that comes form a real place of "i'm rooting for you, you asshole!!!" lol


im soooo excited for season 5! its one of my favourite seasons and personally i feel like the show reallyyyyy kicks off

Edgerrin Brown

If you want to post all of season 5 tomorrow , we would definitely be down with that 😂


gotta say and warn: season five is the best grey’s season, no doubt. have fun and enjoy ☺️


Sorry but thank GOD Yang finally stood up to Hahn. She has been so unfair from the start. Yeah yeah Hahn can have her happy ending and her and Callie are cute or whateva but I still don’t like her okay?? 😂


Gotta say even though the back and forth between Meredith and Derek was exhausting at times, I really loved when she finally realised: "We can be extraordinary together rather than ordinary apart." WHICH IS SO TRUE!

Luke K. De An

I’m so excited for season 5! It’s one of my favorite seasons with two of my favorite couples being introduced!

Letitia Hunt

There are some great episodes in season 5 but I am not on the season 5 is the best season train 😂 one of my least fav Characters are introduced and some of the episodes drive me crazy. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on them tho. Your reactions make the bad episodes good

Charissa Kay

Binging! Alex is acting in a trauma response. Unaware people spend their adult lives trying to "fix" the patterns from their traumatizing childhood. Doesn't matter if you're a doctor, people get blinded in trauma and reactivity. He needs some therapy. I both love and hate this storyline for how people stigmatize Rebecca as "just crazy", and the lost emphasis about people like Karev (who reminds me exactly of my brother, who also wrestled, and we are from Iowa). So I guess it's slightly personal for many reasons lol.

Cassandra Ryan

the house of candles is one of my favourite romantic scenes from any tv show. merder isn't even a huge couple of mine but i just LOVE the entire scene. perfection

Kayce Daniels

Love me some Meredith and Derek

Alexis Cook

Someone actually proposed in real life with the house of candles 🥰its one of the most iconic scenes 🥹🥰

Lucile Byrd

Considering Izzie never apologizes when she wrongs someone, I dont think she should ever be apologized too.