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Ilsuk Yang

I feel the writers should've given the actress playing Martha's sister better direction in this episode. She says she was going to kiss (snog) Dr. Lazarus, but all their previous interactions (including when he was young) indicate that she's kind of repulsed by him (also, even when young, he doesn't look good and isn't charming in the least, and it seems like she picks up on that). Other than that, definitely a fun episode. 'It's always the mothers' ;)


I like this one, although the CGI with that human face is a bit questionable lol. I think Lazarus's dialogue was written so well. It's not one I'd go back to for a rewatch though. I'm excited to see your upcoming reactions, the next 7 episodes which close out the series are a really strong run of episodes.

Siobhan Linehan

I'd say the 6 episodes after the next one are really strong. I feel the next one is a bit meh. 😂


I've heard others say that. Seems its a bit hit and miss. I think Travis will like it though.

Siobhan Linehan

I think Tish suddenly wanting to kiss Dr Lazarus wasn't about his looks. She was really impressed by what he'd done and she was attracted to his intelligence and power. Think of how many powerful ugly men in the world have attractive younger wives lol. I think that's the point they were making with that. At least that's my theory anyway.

Ilsuk Yang

Oh I never thought it was about his looks. But even just before she was about to snog him, she seemed really put off by him. Like no attraction/chemistry/sparks at all. Literally no indication that she was about to snog him. But that's just how I've always read their interactions

Siobhan Linehan

This episode is better than I remember it being. Still not a favourite of mine but there are some great lines in it and I love seeing the relationship between The Doctor and Martha develop more. As for Harold Saxon, you might remember a few of us telling you to keep an eye out for the name Saxon. He's been mentioned in every episode this season in some way and a few times in this episode. He's this season's Bad Wolf/Torchwood lol, the ongoing mystery throughout the episodes that gets revealed in the finale. You'll see what this all means soon. 👀 Also the guy who plays Lazarus is called Mark Gatiss and he's not usually an actor on the show, he's usually one of the writers. He's written 9 episodes (so far) over the seasons and some of them I like and some I don't but one of them is in my top 10 of all time, he's a real talent. Most of the episodes he's written you haven't seen yet, but you've seen two already. The Unquiet Dead from season 1 (the Charles Dickens episode with the Gelth) and The Idiots Lantern from season 2 (the episode with the woman in the TV shouting "hungry"). I look forward to next week's episodes, especially the episodes Human Nature and The Family Of Blood. It's my second favourite two part story ever on the show. And I'm glad you're loving this season so much, it's a great one. 😊

Siobhan Linehan

Hmmm that is true. That whole interaction was a bit strange. But I guess it was just a plot point they came up with to put Tish in danger with Martha. They really wanted the sisters fighting together storyline lol.

JIM SCHMITZ (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-21 12:46:01 This was fun, but Trav is right, they do accommodate the creature size to the surroundings a bit much. I'll be looking forward to meeting Martha's sister elsewhere in Travis's future.
2023-05-21 12:46:01 This was fun, but Trav is right, they do accommodate the creature size to the surroundings a bit much. I'll be looking forward to meeting Martha's sister elsewhere in Travis's future.
2023-05-21 12:46:01 This was fun, but Trav is right, they do accommodate the creature size to the surroundings a bit much. I'll be looking forward to meeting Martha's sister elsewhere in Travis's future.
2023-05-21 08:45:43 This was fun, but Trav is right, they do accommodate the creature size to the surroundings a bit much. I'll be looking forward to meeting Martha's sister elsewhere in Travis's future.

This was fun, but Trav is right, they do accommodate the creature size to the surroundings a bit much. I'll be looking forward to meeting Martha's sister elsewhere in Travis's future.

Harley Beckett

Though I agree with what you've said, I just wanted to jump in and say, I find Mark Gatiss very attractive, mainly as Mycroft in BBC Sherlock but yeah. Looks wise, I'd snog him lmao! xD Though, next to David Tennant, not many people would look as attractive. xD

Cyan_SkyTortoise (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-12 17:22:17 Ah ha! It came to me shortly before she died. The old lady Lazarus killed is aunt May(sorry I don’t know the actresses name) in the Tobey Maguier Spider-Man movies!
2023-06-12 17:22:17 Ah ha! It came to me shortly before she died. The old lady Lazarus killed is aunt May(sorry I don’t know the actresses name) in the Tobey Maguier Spider-Man movies!
2023-06-12 17:22:17 Ah ha! It came to me shortly before she died. The old lady Lazarus killed is aunt May(sorry I don’t know the actresses name) in the Tobey Maguier Spider-Man movies!
2023-06-12 15:07:38 Ah ha! It came to me shortly before she died. The old lady Lazarus killed is aunt May(sorry I don’t know the actresses name) in the Tobey Maguier Spider-Man movies!

Ah ha! It came to me shortly before she died. The old lady Lazarus killed is aunt May(sorry I don’t know the actresses name) in the Tobey Maguier Spider-Man movies!