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Thanks Portia!


Melanin Ky (edited)

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2023-05-18 20:37:33 I'm sorry but the way Peyton talks about Brooke to Haley as if they aren't BFFs is a little wild to me. Its like she's mad at Brooke for not intuitively knowing what she's feeling/thinking but she tells it all to Haley. It's not like Brooke has abandoned her & stopped spending time with her. Then she keeps lying when Brooke genuinely asks what is making her upset. Also, Haley is extremely hypocritical when it comes to Brooke. Especially with the things Nathan has done to Lucas not too long ago.
2023-05-18 17:46:21 I'm sorry but the way Peyton talks about Brooke to Haley as if they aren't BFFs is a little wild to me. Its like she's mad at Brooke for not intuitively knowing what she's feeling/thinking but she tells it all to Haley. It's not like Brooke has abandoned her & stopped spending time with her. Then she keeps lying when Brooke genuinely asks what is making her upset. Also, Haley is extremely hypocritical when it comes to Brooke. Especially with the things Nathan has done to Lucas not too long ago.

I'm sorry but the way Peyton talks about Brooke to Haley as if they aren't BFFs is a little wild to me. Its like she's mad at Brooke for not intuitively knowing what she's feeling/thinking but she tells it all to Haley. It's not like Brooke has abandoned her & stopped spending time with her. Then she keeps lying when Brooke genuinely asks what is making her upset. Also, Haley is extremely hypocritical when it comes to Brooke. Especially with the things Nathan has done to Lucas not too long ago.

Sacid Ve

"Adopt a dolphin" hahahahahahahaha

Angelina Sargent

Hahaha whoever told you Dan may redeem himself is 100% trolling you.

Ilsuk Yang

Deb has been zinging Dan in these latest reactions! And look at Gavin DeGraw looking all baby-faced! I just checked and he was around 26 when this episode aired. I have to say, that one of the best things about this show is the music (the soundtrack and the score). It's much harder for a show/movie to be anywhere in the good-to-excellent range if you don't have a great soundtrack and score, so this show definitely has checked off the music box for sure. I'm glad that Nathan pushed back a little against Dan, too. I forgot how much I liked Jake on this show, too :)

Emma Mellin

i love your OTH reactions bc i love OTH…. BUT i am absolutely living for your rendition of ‘I Dont Wanna Be’ EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. please never stop 😂


Yeah same. I was gunna say - Travis I hope you rock out to the intro every episode because I will enjoy it every time 🤣


All your reactions to Dan killlll me lmao🤣🤣

Ilsuk Yang

Well, Dan's the worst, so I completely understand Travis' reactions to him 🤣🤣🤣


yessss! and if he’s already that pissed now imagine what happens later on 👀


I think Haley doesn’t know Brooke at all yet but her and Peyton bonded so she doesn’t undress what Lucas sees in her but she was like “i’m happy if you’re happy” so that’s ok with me. plus she knew lucas was pining for peyton for so long and now he suddenly forgets all about it and dates her bff? i’d have questions too


Exactly. Lucas is her BFF and Peyton is her friend. Her support lies with them. She doesn't know Brooke. She's not here for her. She wants Lucas to be happy and thought that was with Peyton and is trying to understand his decision. Also, being a supportive friend to Peyton, she mentions that Peyton put herself out there (a big gesture for her) by telling him how she felt. It's not really about him being with Brooke, but why he's not with Peyton. Haley knows how Lucas felt about Peyton and she knows that Lucas knows how Peyton feels now. So basically, they both like each other, so why aren't they together? Lucas is hurt by her rejection (her issues as he says🙄) and is rebounding to Brooke. She's been throwing herself at Lucas since day 1, so it's appealing to know you won't be rejected. It's obv she's acting out for reasons, but I don't think he cares about Brooke's issues either.


I agree about Brooke and Peyton and how they treat each other as BFFs. (Though you specifically mentioned Peyton here.) Their relationship has been wild to me since the beginning. It seems all tell and no show. At the moment I'm not buying it. Like do y'all even know each other? Up until this point they've both had really crappy moments with each other. It's hard to see the friendship there.


I missed your sign. I thought for sure we'd get it on the golf course. Yeah, don't put your sign away just yet lol.

Melanin Ky

@Heather I agree, hard to see the friendship but it's more on Peyton side for me because all I see is Brooke trying to be there for her and she keeps getting pushed away. I just cant see how its easy to talk about your BFF to someone else but continue to lie when asked for the truth from her. She doesn't want Lucas to come between them but not communicating her feelings for him is doing exactly that in my opinion. I'm not that far in the series yet


3 episodes ago Brooke was trying to push Peyton back towards Nathan, who she finally got rid of because he treated her like trash, so she could try to get with Lucas. It's definitely a mutually questionable friendship at this point.

Suzanne Hunt

I agree with you, Heather!! Remember the way Brooke just assumed Peyton was upset because of Nathan! This doesn't make sense because Brooke was supposedly around when her mom died and saw how devastated Peyton was! Brooke doesn't know her well enough! Peyton has difficulty every year and Brooke is not aware of it! They are not real friends!!

Melanin Ky

I definitely see both sides but it isnt like Brooke went behind Peyton's back to try and get her and Nathan together back together. She still communicated that bit to her. Peyton tells Brooke nothing and expects everything.


Why would someone want their "best friend" to get back with their asshole ex boyfriend? Because she was only thinking about herself and what she wanted. Yes, while Brooke didn't exactly hide that Peyton should get back w Nathan, she didn't tell her the real reason either, so she would have a clear path to Lucas. Brooke was definitely not there for Peyton in that moment. Tbh, Peyton doesn't communicate with anyone. She always keeps how she's feeling and what she wants to herself and let's everyone walk all over her. That's why her telling Lucas how she felt was big for her. I always found it odd that Brooke doesn't know this about her and couldn't figure out what was up with her. (Not that Brooke should have to be a mind reader, but that is who she is). The fact that Peyton can't be honest with her and open up to her about this or even her mother is also odd. (And yes, Brooke not remembering on her own was strange too). Instead of Peyton reminding her, she's just mean and belittles her. Also, her little snide remarks about Brooke to Haley and even in Brooke's face is just mean as well. I think they just can't give the other what they need from a friendship for growth and it appears toxic. They both have issues that the other doesn't want to deal with or understand, which is understandable since they are only 16, but still sucks to see. Btw, I love Brooke (well, later), and I can blame Peyton for more stuff later 😉, but I'm just saying them as BFFs is questionable and problematic to me and the whole Lucas drama makes it so much worse.


If you have to stoop to manipulation and cruelty to get what you want, you’ve already lost the game. Brooke learned this the hard way in season one. Nobody can convince me she didn’t know Peyton was into Lucas, considering she dared her to kiss him to prove her feelings and she did. She just didn’t care because she was selfish as hell in the high school years. Brooke stans like to try and make her a saint by erasing her terrible actions and behaviors toward people while in the same breath vilifying Peyton. I have no time for revisionist history or people who side with Brooke just because they think she’s hotter which is another bizarre thing a lot of Brooke fans do.