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Revin MacGrath

So I'll be honest, I am on the side that isn't quite the fan of Martha. But I wholely blame the writers. The first episode she was this smart, bad@ss, quick thinking, courageous lady. Then she immediately is just another girl in love with the doctor. I feel like they just wanted to copy Rose. Then she's being the pick me girl, mad that this guy she just met, who just lost someone close to him, hasn't immediately given over his 'ex' and started fawning over her. Demands he opens up about something incredibly traumatic like the genocide of his people. I think Martha could've been so great! But I feel like making her have feelings for the doctor ruined her character. This is just my personal opinion, people are valid to disagree.

Ilsuk Yang

'I like the Face of Boe. I like his voice. I like his big ol' head.' 🤣🤣🤣 Oh Travis, you nut, you 🤣🤣🤣! Yeah, definitely the weakest episode of the 3 you've seen from season 3. It's kind of hard to make an episode about a 24-year-long traffic jam exciting. It's about as exciting as it could've been. I mostly like this episode for the Face of Boe. Not much to say about this one. I look forward to you finding out more secrets about the Face of Boe :)


Honestly I think you would enjoy the companion show Torchwood that goes along with doctor who! It has a few episodes where the doctor plays a huge role but otherwise is it’s own show! jack harkness is the main character in the show torchwood!

Siobhan Linehan

Interesting, most people I see hate how The Doctor acts towards Martha. I'm in that camp too. While The Doctor can't get over Rose so quickly, he maybe shouldn't have picked up a new girl and openly flirted with her and kissed her immediately if it was going to be so hard for him. If I was Martha and a handsome stranger kissed me and invited me to travel with him but then just talked about his ex all the time and took me to the same places he took her I'd be irritated for sure. Martha was a brilliant badass all the way through but The Doctor just constantly ignored her and didn't appreciate her. And also I wouldn't say that Martha demanded that The Doctor opened up about the genocide of his people, she just wanted to know more about the person she was traveling with and I think that's totally valid, The Doctor made the decision to tell her so much about his home, she didn't make him. But like you said, that's just your opinion and this is just mine. Each to their own. I just love Martha and will always defend her lol.

Revin MacGrath

Thats fine, like I said I mostly blame the writers. She showed a lot of promise. I just wish they went a different direction than her being in love with him and getting jealous over Rose.

Siobhan Linehan

I understand that. But I actually quite liked the whole unrequited love storyline. So many people have been in love with someone who didn't love them back in the same way and I think showing that dynamic between a companion and The Doctor was interesting. We've never seen this before, not even on Classic Who. I do get why some people don't like it and that's completely ok. But I feel like 10 and Martha's story is overhated and underappreciated. They're one of my favourite duos on the show and season 3 is my third favourite season of New Who. I think the writing is brilliant, especially compared to some of what comes later lol. But hey, if you disagree that's cool. We all think differently. 🙂

Siobhan Linehan

I really like this episode. I agree with what you said at the end, this wasn't as good as the first two episodes of the season, but it's still great. They got a decent level of excitement and heart out of a story based on a motorway. And I loved seeing all the different characters and seeing The Face Of Boe again. His final secret is an interesting one, you think it means one thing but it actually means two things. You'll see at the end of the season. 👀 I also think it's so sad but also sweet that The Doctor wanted to lie to Martha about his home being gone so he could pretend for a while to himself that it was still there. He met a new beautiful woman and he wanted to show off to her and in a way he was using her to get over Rose and to deal with the ongoing pain he has about the Time Lords being gone. But Martha realized, when she thought she was about to die, that she's just flown away with a stranger and she wanted to know more about him. And I think it's good that she sat down and wouldn't move until he told her the truth, if you're putting your life in someone else's hands then trusting them is the most important thing. This episode was like the first step towards The Doctor and Martha becoming closer. And also David's acting in this episode when The Doctor talks about his lost planet is just amazing, David's Doctor isn't my favourite but he truly did the emotional scenes SO well. 👌 I'm excited for more. The next episodes are a two part story with a VERY familiar actor. If you don't recognize him I'll be shocked lol, but I'm sure you will. Bring it on. 😊

Sarika H

I love this episode, it’s in my top 5

Amy Cope

I agree with both of you. I adore Martha, but I hated the unrequited love storyline and felt that her knowledge and experience as a medical doctor and just generally her total baddy vibe was under utilised. I like where her story eventually ends up though, better than what they do to a future companion which I'll never forgive them for.

Amy Cope

OW!! Sorry that's just me thinking about face of boe secrets and biting my tongue. 😄

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah loads. I can think of so many coming up that he'll recognize. Like 80% of British actors have appeared on this show at some point lol. 😂

Sarika H

top 5 ever

Siobhan Linehan

That's awesome. It's definitely in my top 30. Not a favourite of mine but a really strong episode. I understand why you love it. 😊

Abigail Friedman

I feel like this episode is always underrated. I dunno. Now that I'm a mom, the bit about showing the children the sunlight just made me tear up.

Harley Beckett

I'm one of the "I don't like Martha" people but like what Revin said above, it was mainly because of the "pick me" girl they made her out to be. Rose will always be my fave, she was my first and her and The Doctor's love will always be held dear to my heart (myself and my fiancé go by The Doctor and Rose Tyler in some online communities too because of their love) but throughout her run, Martha was always a bit too whiny for me (my personal opinion) but I get why people like her, I like the actress, no hate to her at all, I just think we've had/will have better companions imo. Currently bingeing your reactions again, I absolutely love you watching DW! Can't wait for more (even though I still have some to watch lmao) x

B Chab-Love

The song used for the motorway constitutional is called The Old Rugged Cross and it’s an old Christian hymn. Really pretty how they composed it for this episode.

Lea Connor

She was better when she came back. The last thing they should've done was her having a crush. If you get a chance to meet her, do. She treated me like s long lost friend and was adorable