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Thanks Kayden!




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I yelled at the screen “Don’t touch it” at the same time as you. Jinx 😂😂

Jenna Young

I love this episode especially when it comes to Hotch because the scene with him and Vincent is mirrored. Both men were victims of parental abuse and went in completely opposite paths in life and as people. It’s hinted when Hotch says “It’s not surprising that some people grow up to become killers” and when Vincent asks what he means by some people, Hotch comes back with such an iconic line with “and some people grow up to catch them.” It just shows that with people who have been abused, Vincent chose to continue that cycle of abuse by becoming who he was as a killer but Hotch instead broke that cycle of abuse and instead became a person to catch the killers and put them away and in turn making the world a better place with one less dangerous person off the streets and in jail. Agent Cramer did indeed fuck up but what gets me the most is that he has the audacity and disrespect to barge into Hotch’s office and yell at him when he barged into the interrogation room and literally let Vincent know that Jimmy was a federal agent.

Tiffani Donaldson

He does look like that patient from greys! Good eye