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Sarika H

Callie js no longer Chief Resident, still works there … Thatcher 🤮🤢

Karina Mac

He was also on Sons of Anarchy. Awesome show you can add to your list 😉


When are we getting “booze and a dildo” on Spotify?? Kidding—love your reaction as always! Completely agree with George and Izzie. I want them to break up so bad 😂


Yesss! The way I cried the first time I watched this and Mer called Lexie “my sister” ❤️😭❤️😭

Marie Almeida

I’m here for all the Thatcher hate. LMAO You get visibly enraged when he comes on the screen. I love it.

Angelina Sargent

I am curious is your hate for thatcher enough to do a sign like you did for Dan Scott? Haha I remember on your first couple reactions you literally complained about Bailey so much and I thought to myself... well that's not gonna last long. Hahahaha

Travis Manning

Ugh Bailey is my fav. Thatcher is an asshole and hopefully he died before I need a sign. Did I say that out loud ?


I can’t dislike Thatcher for being an alcoholic. It’s a sickness and while I definitely feel Lexie deserves better, having a drinking problem does not equate to being a bad person. The whole situation is just tragic, which is why it works well as a storyline IMHO. Thatcher has a lot of faults and has made a lot of bad mistakes, but he’s also suffered a lot. What I would love to know is how he and Ellis ever ended up dating, much less married. I just cannot imagine how that all went down.


Yeah, that’s completely fair. To be honest I feel the show’s continuity isn’t entirely clear when it comes to what happened when Meredith was little. At first they talk about him walking out on her, later they talk about Ellis leaving him and taking Meredith with her. It doesn’t excuse in any way that he didn’t come looking for her, but at least in that scenario he doesn’t activelly walk out on her. I find Thatcher compelling as a character but I definitely see why people dislike him.


I think the biggest reason to hate Thatcher is for decking Meredith in the face.


I have a lot of thoughts after this one, many probably unpopular 🤣 This was really the first time I felt a tiiiiny bit bad for Lexie cause Meredith definitely was childish and out of line with what she said outside the house that night when Lexie came to see Alex. But overall I feel Lexie has been super pushy and needs to chill. I do think Meredith will eventually come around like she did with Thatcher's wife but I can't really blame her for being harsh with Lexie cause she's really been trying to force it when Meredith clearly isn't okay with it. Also, I like Hahn. She's being too tough on Yang maybe and I don't even really get what her issue is with her, but in general I like her toughness. Think the show needs a strong woman to balance out Izzy who is portrayed as hysterical way too much for me. That scene with George and Izzy where it was unclear what weird sex thing she'd asked him to do reminded me of "the captain" scene from New Girl, only just awkward instead of hilarious 😂 I did very much enjoy the impromptu "booze and a dildo" jam 🤣 And lastly, Michael from 911 has a super soothing voice and I'd like him to read me a bedtime story 🕮 💤

Kayce Daniels

I am so annoyed with Thatcher and the way he treats his kids like I want to curse him out so bad