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4x6 and 4x7 ? But I love how ur so constant with these reactions

Edgerrin Brown

4x6 is “Kung Fu Fighting”

Travis Manning

Only need one person to say it y’all 😂


Ughh I cannot STAND Dr Hahn. She’s prob my 3rd most hated character in the entire franchise. Yes, I know we’re only on season 4😂 George and Izzie still feel like I’m watching siblings 🤢 it gives me the ick so hard. I’m also sooo over Alex being a hoe, lol. Poor baby Grey.


i reallyyyyyy do not like erica hahn she pisses me off every time shes on the screen😭😭

Melanin Ky

When I was first watching; this episode confirmed to me again that Izzie chose the wrong profession. She is a great Doctor but not so much a Surgeon. The way she helps her patients are always more on a mental level than anything physical. Idk I like Erica Hahn lol, she's fiesty and her work ethic is a lot like Christina's.

Dustee Lodholtz

There we go 🤣 everyone makes mistakes, it's no big deal, was just confusing for a moment lol


The skydiver is Roy from The Office, if you've seen that and are thinking that's why he looks familiar. I'm sure he's been on other stuff too, though.


...wait! what??? :D You've never watched it?

Edgerrin Brown

I absolutely hate the Izzie/George romance storyline. They have no romantic chemistry and it makes both of them look like horrible people(Izzie is my favorite character and Lexie is an extremely close second).

Azul Vega

I really like Cristina and her friendship with Meredith but I honestly think that Mer is a better friend with Cristina than the other way.

Azul Vega

Poor Lex, she tries to get close to Meredith and everything turns upside down. Damn Alex who didn't wary her that they shared a house lol


Sometimes I like Izzy , sometimes I really don’t like her but in this episode I loved what she did for her patient


Welcome to the internet, where everyone points out the same thing yet thinks they’re the first to do so lol I see it way too much


I haven’t watched yet, and I don’t know if anyone pointed it out yet since we’ve met her, but Dr. Hahn is the lotion in the basket well victim from Silence of the Lambs


Melody valve surgery (at least its what they called the heart surgery I had at 17) is so interesting they pull the cathiter through the leg to the heart and ballon the valve into place... (at least that's how they told me they were doing it.. I was out during the procedure obv) i don't even have a scar from the surgery on my leg... short recovery period too compared to the open heart surgery....

Kayce Daniels

Could you imagine having heart surgery while being awake… I honestly think I would die because my anxiety would not let me lay there calmly while they’re doing all that and all the sounds ugh I just couldn’t