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Thanks Heidi!


Nicole Sadler

Let me tell you this before Travis calls you out lol! You're not supposed to ask this, Travis doesn't like it. His posts are planned based on polls but this week it's based on people boosting certain shows. :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Child of the Moon- Hello again! Thank you once more for another reaction for Once Upon a Time, Travis! First... I really enjoy this episode a lot! Especially for Ruby/Red's storyline. As well as for the parallels within both the past and present storylines, given that we get to see the friendships between Ruby and David in the present day storyline, and Red and Snow in the past storyline too. I really, really love seeing further development with David's and Ruby's friendship. as well as Red's and Snow's friendship too. I love their friendships. And I really love Red/Ruby. She's a fantastic character! And I really love Meghan Ory as Red/Ruby. It's really great having more story for Ruby/Red in both the present day and in the backstory. I feel Ruby's previous centered episode from season one is slightly better, but I really love this overall storyline for her too. However, in this episode... I do feel that some of Meghan Ory's acting throughout it seems a little off. Only in the backstory though. Certainly not in the Storybrooke storyline. I can't help but feel her acting in this backstory feels a bit cheesy, or that she's overacting a little too much. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. But don't get me wrong... I still really love this episode in spite of it's few flaws. :) Also... I feel that her backstory is a little bit rushed and that there could have been a lot more to her story in regards to her mother and Anita's pack. I kind of wish we could have gotten to know a little more about Anita's and the pack's background, if this episode was more movie length, or revealed throughout multiple episodes. Rather than just told throughout a single episode. However, I do really like this storyline for what it is. It is rushed, but that's because they could only fit so much into a forty minute long episode. I also wished they had revealed what might have come for the surviving members of the pack too. However, I'm just going to assume that they ran off to find a new place to hide after the Evil Queen's guards' attack that killed Quinn. Overall... I really like the story. And I didn't really mind much that Quinn was killed, because I didn't really care much for his character. If we had gotten to know him more, his death would have left more of an impact. The same goes for Anita too. Anita being killed when Red protects Snow though... It's so sad for Red, and I feel so badly for her. For her to have to kill not only her boyfriend, Peter, but also her mother as well... So sad! However, as sad as Anita's death is for Red's sake, it is definitely necessary for Red's storyline to move forward. And I understand Anita's death because she believed that all humans are evil and that they needed to be killed. Which is why I feel that the real reason Granny stole Red away from her mother, was so she could protect her granddaughter from her mother's beliefs that all humans are evil and deserve to be killed. Anita didn't deserve to die, but it was either Anita or Snow. Thank goodness Snow survives because Red chooses to protect her friend and family. Like I said in regards to Granny telling Red about her mother being killed... I suspect that Granny does lie to her granddaughter about her mother having been killed, but not necessarily to keep Red from learning the truth about herself being the wolf in order to protect her as we learn about in season one's episode... Red Handed, but also because Granny knows how dangerous Anita is. She knows that Anita believes that all humans who aren't part wolf like herself and her pack or other wolves are evil, which definitely isn't true. My favorite moment in the backstory though, is Red telling Snow she protected her family because she protected Snow. So sweet and such a cute friendship. And I love that this storyline for Red and Snow picks up shortly after the events from season one's episode... Red Handed. Now... I absolutely love the parallel friendships between Ruby and David, as well as Ruby and Belle in the present day storyline too. And how they parallel to Red's friendship with Snow too. I love how much Belle believes in Ruby, as much as David believes in her too. And I love how David reveals to her how he had learned from his mistake with not believing in Mary Margaret back in season one. Throughout this episode, David fights for Ruby and does all he can to prove to her that she isn't the real monster. I love it! :) I also really love the storyline between David and King George, or Albert Spencer in this episode very much. Their dynamic is very interesting throughout the overall show. Spencer is a real jerk, that I love to hate. (Pardon me, but I don't like to swear at all, so I can't say what I really think of him. Ha! Ha! Ha!) You might find King George to be annoying as most people who love this show do, but I honestly really like him as a villain who hates Charming so much, and I quite like the actor (Alan Dale) who plays him even more. As for why so many people, who are clearly extras chosen to act as the random townsfolk and fairytale folk, choose to stand up with George against David, Ruby, and Granny... I feel it's because like in any town or kingdom, there are people who fully supported King George in their kingdom before the curse brought them all over to Storybrooke, who still want him to be their King, and not David. So, of course they would choose to side with George in Storybrooke too. And chances are that they worked to influence others who aren't so sure who they should side with. So, I understand this mob, and I actually really like it. Not because I agree with them, but I love the idea for a mob to be created under these circumstances to stand against the heroes. As maddening as the mob mentality is, and it is certainly something to be angry about, it is very real even today. Especially today, which is so sad. Also... It feels like a nod to the mob scene in Beauty and the Beast, but with King George as the head of the charge instead of Gaston. As for George's reasons for killing Gus/Billy... It's all so that he can knock David down and to turn everyone against him in hope that he may be able to become a ruler over their new Kingdom again. With Snow and Emma gone, he has the perfect chance. And George has always hated David so much. Not just because David turned against him and stole his kingdom from him, but also because David has his son's face, yet he doesn't love George as a father. David refuses to continue playing the role of the obedient son. So, of course he can't stand seeing David be the man in charge and being happy. And as for Gus/Billy... Billy was actually introduced in a few episodes before this one. His roles were always small, but this episode is where we first learn who he was in the past... in the Enchanted Forest. That he was little Gus Gus, the mouse in Cinderella's pantry who liked to eat cheese. And I love learning this about him. As for why George chooses Billy to kill... George saw Ruby talking with Billy a number of times during the curse, as well as after the curse, and he has seen that she cared about him. Therefore, sadly he became George's target so he could frame Ruby. It is sad that we lost Gus/Billy. I definitely would have liked to get to know him more, but I understand the purpose for why they killed him off so soon. Poor Billy! I would have liked to see him and Ruby get together at least for one date. It's sad that Spencer had to go and murder him to try to turn the whole town against Ruby, and therefore David. Again... What a jerk! It's also tragic that George burns Jefferson's hat in the end to try to stop David from being reunited with his wife and daughter. I love that David strikes him down to the ground with a punch to his face, then pulls his own gun on him ready to kill Spencer, but that Ruby is able to convince him not to. More so... that the good in David is strong enough to keep him from making the wrong choice. David would have proven to the people that he isn't a hero after all if he had, just like George wanted to do. As for Granny... She is really great in this episode too! And I love how she is able to help David track down who really killed Billy using her sense of smell, and love how she shoots one of her crossbow arrows straight at George to keep him from shooting Ruby. Next... I also love once again the storyline between David and Henry too. They're so sweet. And I love how David calls on Regina to come over to watch over Henry for him while he was busy, and that she is there for Henry when Henry wakes up from another nightmare. And I absolutely love Regina's subtle reaction as she pulls back upon seeing and hearing Henry's fear upon her being there instead of David. Lana Parrilla's acting is phenomenal as always. I also really love how Henry falls into the Netherworld... The land between life and death every time he sleeps, as a result of waking up from the sleeping curse. So terrifying. I would never want to sleep again if this were to happen to me. And then... Upon seeing Henry has begun to get hurt by the fire, Regina calls Gold, who gives Henry some magic so that he can control his dream and therefore, his fear. Very nice, and very surprising because Gold gave it to him without any strings attached in some deal. Very out of character for Gold. Overall... I really enjoy the mystery behind Henry's nightmares in the Netherworld and him finally being able to meet Aurora. Also... I love, love, love how this burning red room is a consequence from awakening from the sleeping curse, as few people have done. As Snow, Henry, and Aurora have now done. I really love how Gold explains all this to Regina and to Henry. What a brilliantly written idea!! And lastly... Aurora has now seen Henry, then she wakes up to reveal to Emma and Mary Margaret that she spoke to Henry while she dreamt. This show is only continuing to get more exciting!!!! And I cannot wait for you to continue watching!!!! Overall... I enjoy this episode, even though I missed Hook in it. Because come on... I've already fallen in love with him. Ha! Ha! Ha! :) Thank you so much again, Travis! Until next time, my friend... Sincerely, Heidi

Ilsuk Yang

'I'm your mother.' 'What? They do look alike.' You accepted that real quick 🤣🤣🤣! Yeah, that ending is so good! Had me on the edge of my seat the first time I watched this

Staton Chapman

I love how David was there for red and then at the end red gave David encouragement