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Gemma Rivera

I liked what they did with Grease as well. I thought that they did a really good job of interweaving the plot with the storyline of the musical. It was interesting to see all the broken up couples reunite so quickly after the breakups, and they all reacted pretty much how I expected. It was nice to see Mike and Tina actually have a conversation and it felt pretty real and honest. Santana coming back to play Rizzo was a stroke of genius. As much as I didn't like what happened with Unique playing the part, Santana is the perfect Rizzo and I'm glad we got to see her in that. Ryder and Marley were the perfect choices to play Sandy and Danny. I actually like how they're having Cassandra be a foil for Rachel. Show business is pretty cutthroat and they're using her character as a way of showing that. And who doesn't love a good meta moment where the characters are on stage and in the audience or in the wings watching themselves, lol. I did love to see the OGs all back together again on stage and the throwbacks to earlier seasons and moments with the couples.

Siobhan Linehan

Such a good episode, I really enjoy it. It is strange to see Mr Schue leave, but what's even weirder is that they make it seem like he's leaving for a long time. When in fact he's only gone for 3 episodes. 😂 Kitty is just vile, I grow to like her but I hated her in these early season 4 episodes. Just a horrible bully who really hurt Marley. Like altering her costume is so evil. Cassandra is awful too, not a nice person. 🤦 I also agree with you about Finn, he broke up with Rachel. Months ago. She has every right to move on and of course she's more upset about Brody than about Finn, because she likes Brody whereas Finn hurt her. Like what does he expect? 🤷 But as a massive Grease fan, I love the songs in this episode. They do a great job with them. I really do like these new kids and the storylines in this season. The next episode is fantastic, I look forward to watching it with you soon. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

Finn definitely doesn't look 19 🤣🤣🤣. I mean, that's what happens when you get 2 guys to play a teacher and his student and they're only a few years apart in real life 🤣🤣🤣. I think with the Will being gone thing never really bothered me so much because they really sidelined him a lot in seasons 3 and 4 before this point anyway. Kitty and Cassandra have both been annoying, but this episode is where they just get plain vindictive and nasty! I wanted to throw them off a cliff the first time I saw this episode (still do)! Like, with Cassandra, I understand if you're annoyed with Rachel, but sending her home so that you can seduce the guy she likes, then bragging about it when Rachel calls Brody. I mean, that's just evil. And Kitty, to go that far to make Marley think she's getting fat. Both those situations makes my blood boil 😠😠😠! And Finn, you broke up with Rachel, so stop treating her like the bad guy!

scarr (edited)

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2023-04-24 05:55:28 I do love this episode for the way they did the musical and for bringing together old and new cast, McKinley and NY. But this storyline with Kitty and Marley is really, really bad. And I hate the scene with Ryder and Marley in the bathroom when he makes the joke about laxative use and not wanting to kiss someone with puke on their breath. As someone with a long history of disordered eating (now in recovery) I can attest that they're serious illnesses that often people don't understand - and this episode (plus some future ones) didn't do anything to help that. I wish they'd taken more care with the subject. But then again, it is Glee and we know they didn't get everything right! 🙃 Stepping off the soap box now 😝
2023-04-24 03:32:20 I do love this episode for the way they did the musical and for bringing together old and new cast, McKinley and NY. But this storyline with Kitty and Marley is really bad. And I hate the scene with Ryder and Marley in the bathroom when he makes the joke about laxative use and not wanting to kiss someone with puke on their breath. As someone with a long history of disordered eating (now in recovery) I can attest that EDs are serious and complex illnesses that often people don't understand - and this episode (plus some future ones) didn't do anything to help that. I wish they'd taken more care with the subject. But then again, it is Glee and we know they didn't always get everything right! 🙃 Stepping off the soapbox now 😝

I do love this episode for the way they did the musical and for bringing together old and new cast, McKinley and NY. But this storyline with Kitty and Marley is really bad. And I hate the scene with Ryder and Marley in the bathroom when he makes the joke about laxative use and not wanting to kiss someone with puke on their breath. As someone with a long history of disordered eating (now in recovery) I can attest that EDs are serious and complex illnesses that often people don't understand - and this episode (plus some future ones) didn't do anything to help that. I wish they'd taken more care with the subject. But then again, it is Glee and we know they didn't always get everything right! 🙃 Stepping off the soapbox now 😝


Also, Blaine is definitely a snack 💯

Capri Zonica (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-24 18:21:01 Brittana and Klaine are also singing in The one that I want but the camera is always on the wrong couple XD. Brittana dancing in Beauty school dropout <3 Finn fake-clappling during the play always sends me. I wanted Santana to sing There are worse things by herself but at the same time liked the trio. Mercedes just came by to disappear into oblivion. Question: Wasn't Mercedes dating Sam in season 3? What happened to them? I'm lost.
2023-04-24 14:56:04 Brittana and Klaine are also singing in The one that I want but the camera is always on the wrong couple XD. Brittana dancing in Beauty school dropout <3 Finn fake-clappling during the play always sends me. I wanted Santana to sing There are worse things by herself but at the same time liked the trio. Mercedes just came by to disappear into oblivion. Question: Wasn't Mercedes dating Sam in season 3? What happened to them? I'm lost.

Brittana and Klaine are also singing in The one that I want but the camera is always on the wrong couple XD. Brittana dancing in Beauty school dropout <3 Finn fake-clappling during the play always sends me. I wanted Santana to sing There are worse things by herself but at the same time liked the trio. Mercedes just came by to disappear into oblivion. Question: Wasn't Mercedes dating Sam in season 3? What happened to them? I'm lost.


It is pretty funny that for a show about teenagers that started in 2009, only one og main cast member was born in the 90s

Siobhan Linehan

Mercedes moved to LA and Sam stayed at school. But you're right that they never actually had a breakup, I hadn't realized that before now. Finchel, Brittana, Klaine and Tike all got their season 4 break up moments. Strange that Samcedes never got one. 🤔

Capri Zonica

Whaaaa...? =o Really? I've watched Glee in a non chronologically fashion that it's until now that I've watching along some reactors that I've paid attention to the non Brittana storylines and I was like... Ok, last time they were together and then, nothing. That's messed up :P Thanks for the heads up.

leslie martin

that intro was scary hahaha and ew Cassandra i can't seriously... what's wrong with all those adults in the show that can't stop messing with those teenagers?? Cassandra, Sue, Rachel's mom, they all have beef with teenagers like??? grow up!!! we're always fighting over bad actions the teens are making in the show, but let's be honest, the adults are the worst part! (not all but you get it)

Staton Chapman

I know shes only a minor character but i absolutely love how supportive the relationship between marley and her mom is


Welll if you think about the characters at this point in the college universe they are adults Brody in particular is a junior in college which would make him in his early 20’s so his actions are his own but in the high school universe yes sue needs to stop picking on teenagers and Finn since he’s technically an adult at 19 but still a teen…