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My Brittana heart 💔

Siobhan Linehan

Finn and Rachel's stuff is sad but it was expected. Finn didn't treat her well and she's started to move on with Brody. It was Brittana and Klaine that really hurt me in this episode. So heartbreaking. 😭 But the music in this episode is SO damn good. Lea's voice in Give Your Heart A Break, Don't Speak and The Scientist gives me chills. She's just incredible. Naya's version of Mine is better than the original imo. And Darren's acoustic version of Teenage Dream is stunning! 👌🔥

Katie Salisbury

Finn does look good but he’s skinny. It’s heartbreaking when you realize just why he’s so skinny. 😢

Guillermo Orozco

Rachel’s last speech to Finn ALWAYS gets me 😔😢😔 Feels like it was Lea talking to Cory


One of the best episodes of the season even though Finchel, Klaine, and Brittana all broke up. Of all the songs in this episode Naya singing "Mine" always makes me emotional.

Gemma Rivera

This is a hard episode to watch. Communication is really the key to building a solid foundation for a relationship and there was so much miscommunication in this whole episode. It also highlights the differences in these couples that are eventually going to pose problems later on in relationships. Finn and Rachel: These two have such different dreams for themselves and different levels of expectation of their own abilities and going out into the world is going to open more doors and reveal paths that they may have never considered or even acknowledged that were there. As a person, it’s important to allow yourself the best chance to find these things out and sometimes that means being away from all things that are comfortable. We are creatures of habit and so we will tend to default to the things that we know when we are comfortable. Exploring is something that happens when we are pushed out of our comfort zone. Trying to hold onto what made them work in Lima wasn’t going to translate well in the real world of New York because they wouldn’t be able to give themselves room to explore and evolve as individuals. I have to say that Lea’s acting in this episode is probably the best I’ve seen her. Kurt and Blaine: Kurt was moving forward with his life and discovering a new career path that he hadn’t considered before and Blaine basically put his life on hold and was marking time until he could be with Kurt again, but he wasn’t living his own life and letting himself grow. He allowed himself to fall into a bad decision…I really wish he would have hopped on a plane before he decided to cheat so that he could talk to Kurt, but he is in high school, so now he has to deal with the consequences of his decision. It’s these moments in life that we realize that whether we intend for them to or not...actions have the potential to have good or bad consequences and that’s the chance we take as we grow older. When they have bad consequences and we are faced with them, it’s a time for us to grow if we let it…or we can shift the blame to someone else and not learn the lesson. Kurt has to deal with the consequences of him being busy and not putting his relationship as a priority since he moved to New York and Blaine has to deal with the consequences of choosing to seek comfort outside of his relationship. Santana and Brittany: Probably the healthiest breakup of the bunch. Their needs weren’t being met plain and simple and admitting that and deciding to let go so that both of you can grow takes more strength and courage than holding onto something for the sake of holding on. Santana’s first thought is about how she hasn’t been a good girlfriend. The moment you see her realize it was in the restaurant after the fake rapture. She sees how much pain Brittany is in and would rather free her from that probably breaking her own heart in the process…that’s true love right there. Naya breaks my heart every time I watch her sing “Mine.” She was a master at connecting her performance to her emotions and to add in that pathos that allows the audience to feel it too. So many of her performances do that to me no matter how many times I’ve watched them. Naya is a masterclass in acting. She always finds ways to convey what her character is feeling and it’s not always with words. Every facial expression, mannerism, gesture, it all means something and she is the expert of the character of Santana and has crafted her so well. I felt like the whole Schue/Emma thing was forced into this whole scenario. They didn’t even actually break up, they just had a fight. I really wish that they had done justice to the other core couple of the show and included a storyline for Mike and Tina’s breakup. We didn’t even get an actual breakup scene, just an update at the beginning of the season. Also, if you watch the last number, the person who has color incorporated into their outfit (Schue’s blue jeans, Santana’s blue dress, Finn’s blue jeans, and Kurt’s jacket and pocket square) is the person whose action initiated the breakup. I always wonder if that was a subtle way of trying to get us to take sides…which I don’t think is necessarily fair. All of these are difficult situations to navigate and it still takes two people to make a relationship work.

Emma Mellin

yup season 4 finn is ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Nicole Sadler

Yes you posted!! :D Now you see what we were saying about this episode, so heartbreaking yet so well done! It also has some of the best songs, and Finn's voice in my opinion has improved so much! (Cory wasn't a singer going into the show, he played the drums; so watching his vocal evolution from S1-S4 was amazing!) Also yeah the acting from everyone was so good and I remember it gave me chills and made me so emotional. Honorable mention for Darren's incredibly emotional LIVE version of Teenage Dream, so good!! :( PS: when I first watched the ep before this and this ep, my immediate thought also was that Cory looked so good! (He always looked good in my opinion, he was an attractive guy) There was an obvious change because of his haircut and the weight loss. Then I realized later why the weight loss over a short period of time happened, and I started to feel weird about saying he looked good during this time. Idk it's so complicated and depressing. Overall, I really enjoyed your reaction despite the sadness Travis, thank you so much for this today! Much love! <3


I feel like I appreciate this episode so much more now as an adult than I did when it was airing and I was a teenager bc obviously all my favorite ships were breaking up and I was so mad. And I still think glee is lame for all the cheating storylines bc they already had a reason to break klaine up lol they just wanted to amp up the drama. But still it is well made and the music is so iconic and the acting is just 👌 S4 & S5 are my guilty pleasure seasons of Glee..some diamonds in the rough for sure!


Yeah The Scientist is a really special number and probably one of my faves too. Such conflicted feelings about this episode because it is heartbreaking and filled with SUCH emotionally raw performances (yes Darren's Teenage Dream was done live so he could really emote and OH WOW is it tough to watch for me) ...but it is also just so well done and the music really is 🔥 You are not wrong about it feeling like a turning point here - in one swoop they blew up all the core relationships so it'll be fun to see what you think of where things go from here! 😬


just got off work. OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING

Annie Willow

Santana and Brittany’s break up hits me the hardest. They went from best best friends secretly in love with each other for such a long time and went through tons of shit to finally be publicly together for a few months to then being ripped apart by distance and different life stages. I am sure that Brittany feels that if she had just graduated she would have been able to be with Santana but instead they are now in two different stages in life and I am sure Brittany feels it is all her fault (which it’s not, of course). There is no way that Brittany would have allowed Santana to stay in Lima but it doesn’t make her leaving any easier. There is a deleted part of their break up scene that really makes sense for them. “I haven’t been a good girlfriend to you. I meant to call you so many times, but I didn’t — and not just because I was busy. I didn’t call or Skype or even text you because it wasn’t enough. What I really wanted to do was to hold your hand. Kiss you. Lay down with you, and fall asleep next to you, and when we’d wake up, we’d be like we were last spring — before everything changed.” https://gleerificnewsstop.wordpress.com/2015/04/03/new-deleted-scripts-2015/ They are still so much in love with each other and it takes so much maturity to recognize that right now they just are not able to be together in they way that they want to and that is healthy for them. Right now it is best for them to step back and just be best friends and change their expectations of each other so that they don’t end up destroying their relationship that they have worked so hard for. I still don’t know how there are people that say Santana is a cold-hearted bitch with no soul. She is complete mush with a heart of gold and such a fierce friend.


But you are absolutely right. Those conversations they had are so real. They really said give your heart a break with that entireee episode 😩 I boosted just in time for some AWESOME music comin up!

Ally D.

This is definitely by the far the best episode in all of season 4, although also one of the saddest. I feel like I was crying nonstop, but these breakups needed to happen unfortunately because the couples weren’t really healthy anymore. Darren’s version of Teenage Dream always makes me so emotional, it’s so well done live.

Ilsuk Yang

Travis: You know, I like his voice, but I'm not feeling the chemistry. I think Finn disagrees with you there Travis. He felt it 20 seconds into the performance! But yeah, I don't know what Finn was expecting coming back (well, I do, but, ya know!). I mean, he shouldn't expect Rachel to have the same feelings for him. He crushed her, which he can say it was for her benefit, but it was really his imposter syndrome sabotaging his relationship with her (I relate to Finn a lot because imposter syndrome hits me hard like all the time 😮‍💨). I gotta say, I always love when Santana sings, but there's just something different when she sings to Brittany! My favorite performances of hers are always when she's singing to Brittany, bar none. There's just this electricity in the air and you feel every emotion she's conveying to Brittany! I guess you could call it 'emotionally charged.' Kurt was definitely taking Blaine for granted, but as soon as you cheat, you should take most of the blame in the argument. You should never take it as far as cheating if you're upset with your significant other! Plus, Blaine's always skirted the line with 'cheating' which used to drive Kurt insane. Having said all this, I'd say it's still like 49% Kurt's fault and 51% Blaine's fault (only because of the cheating). If I'm gonna be honest, watching all of this back, their relationship is just wonky to me So, seasons 4-6 is an interesting mix for me because I honestly think the second half of this show has a lot of great music. However, as a TV show, I think seasons 1-3 were definitely better. The music in seasons 4-6 is where it's at, though, and that's the main reason I watch this show with you Travis :)

Amber (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-19 06:25:50 The way I still know Rachel's breakup speech by heart when it aired 11 years ago is proof of how many times I've seen this episode, its painful but it's such a classic &lt;3
2023-04-19 01:57:17 The way I still know Rachel's breakup speech by heart when it aired 11 years ago is proof of how many times I've seen this episode, its painful but it's such a classic <3

The way I still know Rachel's breakup speech by heart when it aired 11 years ago is proof of how many times I've seen this episode, its painful but it's such a classic <3


Ryan Murphy really woke up one day in 2012 and decided to piss off every glee ship fandom


Every single song from this episode has been in my playlist from day one, they’re all amazing! And the acting in the numbers just makes them all even more heartbreaking 💔

Helen Moore

the santana and britney song makes me sob

Mark Wood

Actually while Kurt has his faults and I will get to them. But let's be very frank here. Blaine seems to thank that Kurt should have the same availability that they shared when they were attending the same school. That's an utterly irrational expectation. Kurt is an intern in the highly competitive fashion industry (sure it's a fake company, and on the publishing side, but still). But the New York fashion industry is extremely famous for extremely long hours, having to change plans on a moments notice, and for its employees to have to cater to the whims of their employer. Notice Kurt is the one calling Blaine. He is attempting at work to let Blaine know about his change of schedule. Based on his dialogue that change probably happened at work, probably happened that day, and he's calling him to let him know those changes. That his is job, and outside of an emergency that is what he should be doing. He is expressing his apology, he expresses regret. Those are all responsible things to do. Blaine not understanding that Kurt's adult life has deeper levels of commitment shows a lack of adult understanding. Now perhaps because I was the youngest in my family, or thanks to my parents, or hell just the fact that I tend to be more analytical then governed by emotions I understood that my time in high school as in no way shape or form going to be representative of how I would need to treat my responsibilities in an adult world. Now on to the issue with Kurt. Blaine was fairly upfront on multiple occasions last season that he had deep rooted fears about Kurt moving on from him, as he is left behind. Those are reasonable fears. Kurt's problem was he didn't give enough weight to have real serious discussions with Blaine about it (and of course once his plans changed, and he was staying in Lima, he didn't need to). But Before he found that out we never see him really do a deep dive to try and reassure Blaine (now it might have eventually happened off screen, but I am going with no). Now saying that, even if Kurt had made significant efforts to let Blaine know he he feels about him, and even if Blaine really does understand this schedule is going to be significantly different then what they previously experienced together. They could still go through the very same thing. When you hurt, you tend to do and say things that don't truly express what you really mean or feel. And Blaine's fear of being left behind is what directly lead to him seeking solace through sex somewhere else. It sucks, its a betrayal, but its also very human.


Yup, I’ve always considered season 4 Finn as his best version, leadership, vocally, acting, story and “handsomeness” wise😂 plus I don’t know if it’s a popular opinion but I really see him as the main and the best character of the season🤷🏾‍♂️

Mark Wood

One of my favorite things about this episode (and I really love this episode) is Santana. I am not a Santana Stan. She is wildly entertaining, but they things she does and says are often some of the worst behavior (outside of course Sue). Lying and Manipulation to break people up, verbal abuse on probably a level second only to Sue. Physical threats, physical assaults, deliberately extorting someone over their sexuality. The list goes on and on. But again she is wildly entertaining. here is a character who has always showed a very cavalier attitude to sex and not equating it with an emotional connection (and thats perfectly valid). But her not being the character who cheats sexually. I loved it. Sometimes the person you thank will be the first to do such a thing, won't be that person. And god knows the world is littered with examples of people being in relationships were they felt their partner would never be the type to cheat, and that person ends up cheating. I thought it really help give a more grounded reality to both Santana and Brittany, and the Kurt and Blaine scenes in this episode.


I disagree. I don’t think Blaine was expecting to Kurt to be available all the time. I think Blaine was feeling stuck in high school. The one time he has some exciting news of his own to tell Kurt he gets completely blown off. I also don’t think Blaine is happy for Kurt but he doesn’t know how to fit in to his new crazy schedule. I think the writers did a great job with showing that things were getting messy. We have the Skype call and the ignored call in the previous episode. We were clearly being shown that this was something that was building up. It wasn’t one missed call or being ignored one time. It was something that was happening a lot. I don’t think it was really the work schedule change that was upsetting Blaine. i think it was that once again his feelings were being blown off. That he is the one always having to make concessions for Kurt. I don’t think Blaine cheating was the right answer. I think Blaine was desperate and stupid. I think it was nice to see Blaine own up to what he did and apologize. He knew it would end badly but he did the right thing in the end. He learned a big lesson that actions have consequences. I hate that they made Blaine cheat. I do think it fit into their storyline though considering this was an issue brought up for both of them.


Thank you for being one of the few reactors to not jump on Blaine and call him whiny. He messed up. I will say it again. I hate that they gave him the cheating storyline. It does fit with the characters though considering they have had problems with thinking the other has cheated in prior storylines. Kurt and Blaine were both in the wrong. I hate when people take sides. Yes Blaine cheated and that was the ultimate wrong. Kurt wasn’t innocent though. He ignored Blaine not only by not answering calls but by talking about himself during the Skype scene in the last episode. Yes its exciting to get a new job and be in a new place. That has to hurt though when you are the person left behind. I think Blaine was feeling the same as Brittany. As much as I hate the break ups it was good for character development. I will say I love that they gave Kurt the line with puzzle pieces. It sort of bookends Blaine singing teenage dream which also has a line about puzzle pieces. I know it’s silly but I just love little touches like that. A little random bit about this episode is that the walking scenes where the Finn, Rachel, Blaine, and Kurt broke up were filmed in New York City. The fans figured out where these scenes would be filmed. They were actually really well behaved and there are some good videos of Chris and Darren filming the break up scene. At one point Darren had to ask some fans to move back because they were in his line of sight and making it hard for him to concentrate. He was so nice about it and the fans actually listened and moved out of the way.

Jeanette Dawe

this is my favorite episode of the whole series. So good, great acting and amazing songs.

Venessa (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-21 01:40:14 One of my favorite episodes &amp; one of the few where I genuinely love every song. The Scientist is one of my top group songs ever &amp; don’t even get me started on Darren Criss singing live 😭😭😭
2023-04-20 23:24:54 One of my favorite episodes & one of the few where I genuinely love every song. The Scientist is one of my top group songs ever & don’t even get me started on Darren Criss singing live 😭😭😭

One of my favorite episodes & one of the few where I genuinely love every song. The Scientist is one of my top group songs ever & don’t even get me started on Darren Criss singing live 😭😭😭

Staton Chapman

Omg I teared up at the flashbacks of each duo during the last song. I hated so many breakups in one episode

Capri Zonica

How am I just finding out about this deleted lines just now !!! =O Why did they replace these lines with that unnecesary scene of Santana feeling an "energy exchange" with that unattractive girl? It was uncalled for and ruined the flow, plus we know Santana would never. I hate Ryan Murphy was always trying to sabotage Brittana because he didn't like them as a couple. “I haven’t been a good girlfriend to you. I meant to call you so many times, but I didn’t — and not just because I was busy. I didn’t call or Skype or even text you because it wasn’t enough. What I really wanted to do was to hold your hand. Kiss you. Lay down with you, and fall asleep next to you, and when we’d wake up, we’d be like we were last spring — before everything changed.” 😭😭😭 This dialogue makes much more sense and feels even more genuine. No need for extra scenes.Thank you for bringing this up.


I cry every time I watch this episode. The songs were so beautifully sung but so very heartbreaking. Don't Speak and The Scientist are two of my favorite songs on Glee. Such passion and emotion, and the acting is top tier.

Capri Zonica

He was at his best in this season, looking more handsome, acting beter, singing better....And it's a shame because you could see he was improving every episode. That scene while Blaine singing Teenage dream... he was the best actor in that scene and nobody ever mentions it.


This is such a good episode not just from like the story point of view (love me a plot that will make me cry) but the actual episode is fantastic. Like the songs were amazing, the staging (especially in that last number) is beautiful and so cool, they’re all wearing black or darker colors which can carry a lot of meaning, it’s just such a beautiful episode from every angle.

Lexsi (canyonlwt28)

the scientist is my favorite song from this show

Kendra Barton

I admit I have some mixed feelings with this episode. The music and acting is amazing all around, but I just think the writing falls flat, mainly with the Kurt/Blaine and Rachel/Finn drama. You where right, Finn did basically dump Rachel and was MIA for months, so he didn't have much right to be mad at her. Maybe feel sad and a lot of regret, but she didn't cheat on him. And Blaine Cheating. I agree, Kurt was being selfish and not focusing enough on Blaine's feelings, and having just moved to a big city, got a huge job with a crazy schedule, that is very real, it's one reason why long-distance relationships, especially when one person had just left highschool, are so complicated. What got me was how they went the rout of Blaine Cheating. I think they could have done the same story, but written it better. What makes me generally side more with Kurt is that it's pretty clear his neglect wasn't on purpose, he got caught in a whirlwind of NYC and messed up, at least how it was shown in the show, it kinda looked like Blaine went looking to cheat, he "poked" Eli C. first and made the conscious choice to go to his place to hook up. If it had been maybe at a party, when Blaine had been drinking (Because we have already seen Blaine make bad choices when drinking so it would be consistent) and he hooked up with a cute guy who was flirting with him while drunk, I think that would have made more sense, just...a teenager who is hurting finding someone in a night of bad choices. I don't know. I didn't like that story line over-all because I felt it was done a little sloppy, and it could have been done better. Even with the Kurt neglect thing Blaine has been shown to be a more mature, caring, person, so I don't see him just cheating when hurt. If Kurt doesn't have time to talk on Skype or on the phone and Blaine doesn't feel heard, why not write it to him in an email or skype message? Why didn't Blaine go to his other friends, like Sam, and ask for advice? I don't know, it just felt like it was only partially thought through. Sorry for the massive comment, I love your reactions, they are allot of fun.

Alex Sivori

UHG I hated Blaine after this tbh. "I needed someone and you weren't there" when my wife and I started dating I had to go months without talking to her... I had urges... It's natural but I never acted on them. I mean look I didn't like how Kurt treated Blaine but man the writers really said "More drama"


true, the acting from the cast is just amazing. last time i was on reddit lol, and i saw so many posts about the glee acting, and where asking whos the worst and all. i think i saw every cast member called bad at some point. which is just crazy. i think every glee actor is so amazing. nobody different could play this characters