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Sharon Owen

How funny, this episode shows the previous Monarch coronation and we're just about to have the next one on 6th May.

Ilsuk Yang

Eddie's 'I am talking!' is like his version of Joffrey's 'I am the king!' But, anyways, buh-bye Eddie!

Siobhan Linehan

I totally agree with all of your opinions on this episode, what's happening today? 😂😜 You're right that Tommy going after his dad at the end wasn't the right thing to do. The writer has since said he regrets that ending and he understands why people got mad about it. And you're also spot on about this episode being about how consuming media can affect us. Something Doctor Who does REALLY well is pointing out our flaws as humans and the flaws with the world in general in a subtle way within the stories. I've never seen another show that does this in the same way. 👌 And with The Doctor getting angry, that is the first time we've really seen this Doctor get like this. One basic fact about The Doctor is that he doesn't deal well with losing the people he loves. When The Doctor is hurting he gets angry and this is something you'll see more of as the seasons go on. But he got Rose back in the end and their reunion in this episode always makes me smile. 😊

Ilsuk Yang

I've always seen that ending as Rose dealing with her daddy issues. But yeah, screw Eddie!

Siobhan Linehan

Yeah Rose definitely thought of her own dad in that situation. She was thinking that you never know when it'll be the last time you see someone, she lost her dad and she felt that Tommy shouldn't lose his. But that's typical of Rose, she thinks with her heart instead of her head. It's why we love her but it's also why she makes the wrong decisions sometimes.


This was never one of my favorites, but actually doing a rewatch with you I actually quite enjoyed it.

Siobhan Linehan

You know, I felt that too. I enjoyed this episode a lot more than I usually do, it's the Travis effect lol. Although I don't think even he will save Love And Monsters... 😂


Hmm, we'll see, if anyone can do it it's Travis, but I'm not sure 🤣🤣

Staton Chapman

I love how the doctor put Eddie in his sexiest place lol