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This episode very much highlights what Nathan's problem is. Like, it's always been obvious that it's Dan, but this episode just really shows that. Dan is obsessed with proving he is the best, even over his own son. He doesn't care about Nathan as anything but an extension of himself, someone who can live his dreams for him. We saw that not only is he willing to completely degrade and humiliate him, but he's also willing to get physical with him when he sees him as being in his way. And as much as I love Keith, I also feel like this episode kinda showed that him not being in Nathan's life much had a very negative effect on him. Looking at the difference between Dan and Keith and the way each of them are with the boys. Dan is overly critical and competitive and just an awful father. Keith is the complete opposite. That moment in the Locker Room REALLY showed that. We have Dan telling Nathan to bring his best so they can see who's the best, basically telling him he's not doing good enough, and you can see just by the look on Nathan's face that he's used to this but it still hurts. But then when Keith steps in, the look on his face. He isn't used to someone caring enough to step in like that. He isn't used to being praised. He isn't used to someone joking around with the team like that. It's just really sad to me, because while it wasn't Keith's responsibility to raise EITHER of the boys, he kinda did the same thing to Nathan as Dan did to Lucas. (Without the being a bitch to him every time he sees him...) I LOVE Keith, but it does make me sad... I love the moment Lucas helps Nathan up. I've always thought this episode was the moment Lucas kinda looked at Nathan and saw more than just his asshole half brother who's tormented him since he joined the team. He saw a teenage boy who happens to be his brother being tormented by their father and kinda realised WHY Nathan is the way he is. And he chose to offer a kind of truce for the game, helped him up, gave him the ball instantly to let him handle Dan the way he wanted to. And Nathan wasn't mean in the way he said he wanted to beat Dan on his own. It was just a fact. He needed to do that himself. It was just something he needed to do. And Lucas recognised this. And then Lucas acknowledging Keith helping Nathan out and all that. I find that this is actually a pretty good episode for the Jr Scott Brothers. Because while Lucas is still wary of Nathan, and Nathan is still kinda an asshole, there's kind of an understanding between them. They come to an understanding that Dan is the real enemy here. Not each other.

Ilsuk Yang

Honestly, it's surprising that Nathan isn't worse than he already is with the douchenozzle he has as a father. I mean, how can you be that selfish as a dad that you're willing to bulldoze your son over for a meaningless game? And to your question about why everyone is so hot on this show, well, that's a good portion of the appeal of this show. I gotta say, another reason I stuck with this show for the first few seasons is because of Gavin DeGraw's song

Portia Crain

I love that you love this show... its my comfort show I always go back to it...

Katy Ann

You may just want to make a sign that says "I hate Dan" because he's not going away and you'll lose your voice repeating it 20 times per episode.

Angelina Sargent

Hahaha it really is. To this day I can never not think of Dan as the worst human being in the tv world.

emily ღ

someone i watch that does reactions to it's always sunny always says "you ain't shit dennis!!" whenever he does or says anything. i think by now she's just resorted to having it flash up on the screen and i still crack up every time lol 😂


That’d actually be hilarious! 🤣😭 I think he’d need it a lot for next episode… 🤣


Sooo glad you’re enjoying this show!! I love to rewatch it, I LIVE for the drama in Tree Hill🤗


I completely agree but I think Keith had to keep his distance from Nathan bc of Dan. Nathan would’ve probably suffered more under Dan if Keith tried to support him more.


I know. It just makes me sad because Keith could’ve been such a good influence on him. But I do get why he kept his distance. Dan is to blame for everything…


god I LOVE that moment when Lucas helps Nathan up. Makes me really want to see the 2 of them team up against Dan the mega douche!

Staton Chapman

Brooke tries way too hard to be a hoe. I hate it

Gemma Rivera

Such a good show and a deeper dive into these characters. Karen still continues to be my favorite parent on this show. She does right by her son all the time and gives him room to make his choices, but also gives him what he needs to make the best decision possible. And Keith is the best uncle/dad in TV land. He is everything a father should be and is humble and has such a good heart about everything. I'm suspecting that their parents probably put Dan on a pedestal and largely ignored Keith because he wasn't as flashy or popular as Dan. In this show, being put on a pedestal does nothing for your character, as Dan and Nathan have demonstrated. At least Nathan is showing signs of some resilience and a desire to make different choices. Lucas helping Nathan up off the floor was pretty symbolic. Dan is going to turn on Nathan at some point I'm sure. It was a nice way to start bridging the gap between the brothers which wasn't their doing. Poor Peyton. I am glad we get to know more about why she's so angry and rebellious. Where is her father in all this? She should not be spending so much time alone. I'm so glad she has Whitey to go to. I just want to hug that man all the time and put him in the TV coaches hall of fame with Coach Beiste.

Tammy Miller

Little nuggets!!! Love this show except for Dan.