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Travis! What a way for me to enjoy my Sunday!Thankyou very much 😄

Ilsuk Yang

Love the growth of Mickey as a character. Won't say anymore to avoid spoilers for you, Travis ;)

Siobhan Linehan

I really like how Mickey steps up in this episode. He'd finally realized that Rose and The Doctor are in love and that she doesn't love him anymore. So he stood up for himself and found his own life, good for him. The showrunner, Russell T Davies, and the writer of this episode, Tom MacRae, both said that Ricky and Jake were a couple. That's why Jake was so much more distraught over Ricky's death than the other's were. And so I like to think that Mickey and Jake become a couple too. I mean they are going to Paris, the city of romance. Plus I love the chemistry there. 💕 The next episode is a bit of a mixed bag for me, some good bits some bad bits. It'll be interesting to see what you think about it. 🙂

Siobhan Linehan

Oh and the guys in the Cyberman suits did love to have a dance between takes lol. This little 8 second clip was featured on Doctor Who Confidential, which was like a behind the scenes show that was on every night after each episode had aired, and this little clip was made into gifs and memes and is still shared everywhere in the Doctor Who fandom. 😂😂 https://youtu.be/8FwUIVxenfw


There's a deleted scene from when they are in the van at the end talking of going to Paris which confirms that Ricky and Jake were a couple. After Mickey says "I know it's difficult, me having the same face as him, but I'm not replacing him." Jake says I'll never have another boyfriend like Ricky, to which Mickey replies "then I'm definitely not replacing him!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3MzNvT5q6E


I guess Nine was right. His name was Ricky.