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Sacid Ve

Yaas! i love this. Greys and now this are making my days so good!

Ilsuk Yang

Bro, Haley's been hot since the first episode! But, yeah, I do see what you mean. Her style probably has changed since the first episode, I'm just not one to really notice that stuff. To me, if you're hot, then you're hot. Doesn't matter what you wear. And Sherry (I think that's what they called her, right?) was definitely being shady/condescending. You'll see what happens in the coming episodes ;) (I'm partially saying this because I only remember little tidbits here and there 🤣🤣🤣)

Cassie Jean

This was my favorite show in college, it is so fun getting to rewatch it with you l.

Portia Crain

The episode Haley James ... started flourish and become a favorite of mine... to me this episode is where the show really starts getting its groove... I think it's been months between the pilot and this episode being filmed so the actors aged abit so that and might have been the difference with Haley James ...


The iconic bracelet scene omg!! Haley is way too good of a person, never ever would I teach Nathan math lmao


to me the show really gets going with 1x06, but I get what you mean. This is where we finally find a real rhytm and flow to it.

Gemma Rivera

Haley James...absolutely love her this whole series. And I love how they're changing her look because she is definitely behind Brooke for me in terms of her hotness. Jake is forever going to be close to my heart. I love that he's choosing to be close to Lucas and help him with the hazing rather than joining in or just staying out of the situation. He's a real stand up guy and worth having on your side anywhere in life. Karen's strength is amazing to me and I admire her so much for standing up to all the mean moms in the booster club. I want to see her give them a run for their money. Love that you love this show Travis! Looking forward to the next one

Pearltheodora Rose

We love Brooke !!! Anyways I’m glad you’re liking Jake 💯

Staton Chapman

I feel like with the Hailey thing if she told him she did it to get nathan to back off of him then it would not be a huge deal. But her hiding it is gonna cause probably alot of wasted drama. I do really like hailey lucas and jake the most so far. I also don't think Nathan asked her to tutor him bc he likes her but to get under Lucas skin more

Nikki S

If she did tell Lucas to begin with he wouldn’t have let her do it and would try to stop her from tutoring him and Haley knows that so that’s why she hid it because she knew he would be mad either way. but if she did it he would be not bullied anymore in her mind so she wanted to protect him.