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Ilsuk Yang

Yes! You've finally met Faith! And she's totally so hot! I had the biggest crush on her during my first watch-through of Buffy. I get what you mean about these first few episodes being a bit more somber. But that makes sense with Buffy killing Angel mere moments after getting him back. Buffy's had to sacrifice a lot, and that takes a while to get over (you never truly get over something like that, though). About the tone of the show changing (and Angel being back all of a sudden), you'll just have to keep watching to find out ;)


We’ve got a bare ass 🤣 😂

Alyssa Dyson

This season is a bit darker and less camp but theres some really fun one off episodes. Next season is a lot more light hearted. Stick with it Buffy is an amazing show.

Sherry Sink

This show has a good blend of the dark and the funny, so I'll be curious to see what you think of the rest of the season. Some of the funniest episodes are yet to come, so hang in there! :) P.S. And now you've met the vibrant new Slayer, Faith. And Mr. Trick the suave vampire who rides around in a limo. Oh so many adventures to come with these two characters! ;) (Fun fact: I saw a production of Wicked, in Chicago, and the actor who plays Mr. Trick was in the show! I had nosebleed seats so I couldn't really see his face, but I knew his voice -- the minute he started talking on stage, I was like, "How do I know that guy? I KNOW that voice from something," and then I looked up his bio in the program and the second I read the line that he'd been on Buffy, I was like, "MR. TRICK!! THAT GUY WAS MR. TRICK!" Such a fun surprise to get to see him perform in a musical. He was good too!)

Sherry Sink

I think my favorite part of the episode is when Giles tells Willow, "There is no spell." In other words, he made up the whole thing in order to nudge Buffy into telling him more detail about what happened with Angel. I think Giles had a feeling she was holding something in (which turned out to be that Angel had turned back to himself again, before she had to send him to hell), and she needed to let it out. He was trying to give her a reason to talk about it. But most of the episode, Buffy wasn't ready, and was even defensive and avoidant about it. So even though Faith had been annoying Buffy throughout the episode, seeing Faith's eventual willingness to finally talk about what happened with her watcher showed Buffy the strength to talk about her own pain. Pretty cool. And then... ANGEL'S BACK?! The excitement and questions kick in. :)