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I've never clicked on a video so fast! I'm loving the Doctor Who content!


I love this episode. 10 is probably one of the most popular versions of The Doctor.

Sharon Owen

Season 5 of Doctor Who becomes HD. Which is around 2011 filming - it's when most shows made that shift.

Ilsuk Yang

"I don't care about your elastic ass!" 🤣🤣🤣. Just another Travisism for us to enjoy! Yeah, I definitely like David Tennant as the Doctor over Christopher Eccleston. I find it hilarious that Cassandra thinks that's how Rose talks 🤣

Sean Silence

About their chemistry...This isn't a snub on Billie Piper, she's amazing. But David Tennant could have chemistry with a lamp. The man is incredibly charismatic lol. Speaking of Billie Piper's acting, I loved seeing her as Cassandra here. She did a great job.


Trampoline skin-flap ho is my new favorite insult 🤣🤣 Apparently Billie wasn't told about the disinfectant so her reaction to the water spraying on her is genuine lol.

Siobhan Linehan

You're right that David's Doctor is more fun, he definitely is. The previous Doctor was broken when we met him, he'd just lost his entire planet in the Time War, he'd lost everyone he'd ever known and his darker and more serious vibe reflected that. But then Rose came along and reminded him that he still has so much to live for, she saved him basically and so this new regeneration being lighter is a reflection of him being in a much happier place now. 😊 As for this episode, it's good. Definitely funny. I love all the body swapping and I do find myself staring at Rose's pushed up boobs throughout, unashamedly lol. 😂 But overall I think this is the weakest season opener of the show. And when you see the epic season openers coming up, I think you'll agree. For me personally this season has a few episodes I don't enjoy but a few I absolutely love, it'll be interesting to see what you think as you go along. 🙂

Staton Chapman

I like the softer side of Cassandra they gave at the end

Sherry Sink

You cracked me up: "I never thought I'd seen that trampoline skin-flap ho again..." LOL!! I agree - while I still do like Chris Eccleston's Doctor, David Tennant's Doctor is vibrant and cheerier. It's like with his regeneration, he's left behind some of the pain from the Time War, and is reinvigorated as he travels with Rose. (And that body-swapping back and forth is hilarious.) The Tenth Doctor (David's version) is my favorite, of the ones that I've seen. I just love his energy.