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Emma Mellin

yes thats Elizabeth Reaser aka Shirley from The Haunting of Hill House 😁 its been her the whole time - crazy!!!


I'm with you on the Izzie & George thing. I loved their platonic relationship - as a female and male friendship. It was wonderful and lovely.


Aww man I might not like izzie but the actress that plays her can act her ass off. Such a great actress and yes that is Esme cullen

Portia Crain

I pretend this storyline between George and izzy never happened lol... it's the only time I disliked George (which this show does really good at making lovable characters do things that I don't like but still love the characters) and I love their friendship before this point and other than Christina and Meredith they were .y favortie character duo

Tammy Miller

If things were always so good on here it wouldn’t be such a great show!

Tingeling (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 01:13:54 I'm not a fan of the George & Izzie romantic pairing, I would have much preferred them staying platonic. I do however really like Izzie's storyline with her daughter in this episode, and Bailey's part in it. The Ava storyline is one of my favourites, although in this episode I do wonder how come they weren't able to tell whether it was their daughter by her voice. Seems like that would instantly reveal if she was their missing daughter or not. It also seems like it would have been smart to take a DNA test first, and not just check whether or not she still has her tonsills.
2023-04-28 13:22:10 I'm not a fan of the George & Izzie romantic pairing, I would have much preferred them staying platonic. I do however really like Izzie's storyline with her daughter in this episode, and Bailey's part in it. The Ava storyline is one of my favourites, although in this episode I do wonder how come they weren't able to tell whether it was their daughter by her voice. Seems like that would instantly reveal if she was their missing daughter or not. It also seems like it would have been smart to take a DNA test first, and not just check whether or not she still has her tonsills.

I'm not a fan of the George & Izzie romantic pairing, I would have much preferred them staying platonic. I do however really like Izzie's storyline with her daughter in this episode, and Bailey's part in it. The Ava storyline is one of my favourites, although in this episode I do wonder how come they weren't able to tell whether it was their daughter by her voice. Seems like that would instantly reveal if she was their missing daughter or not. It also seems like it would have been smart to take a DNA test first, and not just check whether or not she still has her tonsills.

Katie Kat

I had a bone marrow biopsy done once. that crap hurt like hell even with the drugs they gave me.

Oh Dewd

This is the episode that won Katherine Heigl (Izzie) her Emmy!

Lucile Byrd

Izzie was a great friend to George until he started dating Callie, and then got worse once they got married. I am sorry, but if you treat your best friend's significant other like shit and disrespect their relationship/marriage for no reason, than you are not being a good friend! It would be different if Callie was controlling or rude or abusive or a horrible person, cheating on him, anything, but she is not! She is kind to him and has been going out of her way to look past Izzie's rudeness because of her friendship to George, and she is supportive and comforting to George! She doesnt deserve the way Izzie treats her or her relationship! Izzie is also super selfish when she tries to push her own fake feeling of being past their adulterous sex onto George. Even if she were truly past it, she doesnt get to decide for George that he is past it! And, just because the sex was not tragic for her (and maybe it wasnt traguc for him either) doesnt mean it was tragic and wrong! If/whe Callie ever finds out it will absolutely be tragic to Callie!